Male Esmeralda x chubby reader

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You were the god daughter of Claude frollo you father had sent you to Paris to live with your uncle. Your uncle made sure you were never left alone only when it came to your private chambers.As a child you were not allowed to have that much fun like the others kids. Mostly some of the other kids would make fun of you due to you body size. Being the god daughter of a well know men and also being chubby was hard for you in many ways.

It was the festival of fools and your uncle told you not to go. You decided to sneak out when no one was paying attention to you.A jester was standing on a stage and you were looking that him waiting to see what he was about to do.

A jester was standing on a stage and you were looking that him waiting to see what he was about to do

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Your dress

Clopin " good day ladies and gentlemen today we have a wonderful performance have I ever own gypsy boy that will steal all the young ladies hearts "you were standing the the end of the stage.

Clopin " well dance Esmeraldo ( the male version of Esmeralda) dance " the jester drop and smoke bomb and soon disappeared and out of the smoke can a tan gypsy male. He began to dance around the stage you watched him dance you made eye contact with him a few times. Soon Esmeraldo made his way over you doing backflips. He soon was facing you making you blush and he winked that you. After that the music stopped and Esmeraldo got off the stage fast. Everyone began to walk around the festival after the performance was over.

Clopin " miss Esmeraldo would love to talk with you " out of no way clopin showed up in front on you standing on the stage.

Y/n " me "

Clopin " yes you the beautiful lady who has stolen his heart follow me dear " clopin jumped off the stage and was now standing in front of you. He began to walk and you followed him to the tent area. Clopin stop in front of a tent and walked in fast and later came out.

Clopin " Esmeraldo I have bought the beautiful women you had talked about "

Esmeraldo " thank you Clopin "

Clopin " well I will be going now " Clopin tossed and other smoke bomb and disappeared leaving you alone with Esmeraldo. For some reason you heart began to beat fast while Esmeraldo looked that you.

Esmeraldo " my lady I noticed you in the crowd and realized I have not seen you around before are you new here "

Y/n " umm no I just don't get out that much until now "

Esmeraldo " I have nit asked you what your name is dear "

Y/n " my name is y/n "

Esmeraldo " that a beautiful name dear "

Y/n " thank you I really loved you dance earlier "

Esmeraldo " well thank you my lady "

Y/n " these festival is not all like what my uncle has told me "

Esmeraldo " so your uncle has been to these but you "

Y/n " yes my uncle has keep me under lock and key all my life "

Esmeraldo " wow so you missed so much "

Y/n " well you can say that " some music start playing from a small band of gypsy you looked that Esmeraldo for a while and began to smile.

Esmeraldo " will you like to dance "

Y/n "umm I really not that good of a dancers "

Esmeraldo " well I will help you "

Y/n "umm ok " Esmeraldo grabbed you hand and dragged you over to where the band was playing and also where some people were dancing. You began to dance with Esmeraldo he pulled you closer to him you enjoyed dancing with him. Esmeraldo spines you around and couple times making you laugh the band played a lot of songs. After a couple of dance you and Esmeraldo decided to walk around the festival you were having a fun time with him. Soon the moon had gone down and you noticed you had to been home before you uncle noticed you were gone.

Y/n " I have to get going "

Esmeraldo " can you stay a little bit longer "

Y/n " I can't my uncle will get mad if I stay out to long "

Esmeraldo " well then let me walk you home "

Y/n " no i don't live to far from here I will be fine " you soon here the bells ringing in the church tower you began to walk away fast from Esmeraldo. You picked up you dress and stared to run a little bit hoping to get back before you uncle noticed you have been missing. You soon got back to the church you walked inside praying your uncle well not caught you.

??? " where have you been " you turned around to see your uncle with his arms crossed.

Y/n "uncle I just went out for a walk "

Frollo " did you go near that festival "

Y/n " no uncle "

Frollo " ummm good remember my dear those gypsy are evil and not to be trust "

Y/n " yes uncle I will be going to my room now "

Frollo " good dear " you walked up the steps that lead to your chambers soon you got to young chambers and sat on your he's d something tapping on you balcony window. You got up from your bed and walked over to your balcony to see Esmeraldo. You open up
The doors leading to the balcony fast. Knowing it he was spotted you uncle would have him killed for his so called sins.

Y/n " get on here now "

Esmeraldo " yes my lady " Esmeraldo walked inside fast and you closed the door behind him fast.

Y/n " what are you doing here "

Esmeraldo " well you walked away from me so fast so i just followed you here to make sure you got home safe

Y/n " oh dear my uncle going to caught you "

Esmeraldo " you mean Claude frollo "

Y/n " how did you know that "

Esmeraldo " I passed by the Priest and I asked him did he see you walk by him and he told me that you lived here and frollo was your uncle "

Y/n " oh "

Esmeraldo " do you like living here "

Y/n " no I wish to see more of the world but I will never leave here alive while frollo this watching me closely "

Esmeraldo " well let me take you out on a adventure of the town tomorrow "

Y/n " I don't think ....."

Esmeraldo " please I bring you back home and I won't try anything stupid "

Y/n " sure " you heard footsteps coming up the upstairs.

Y/n" you have to get going now before you are caught "

Esmeraldo " ok will meet me in the town center tomorrow "

Y/n " sure "

Esmeraldo " ok see you tomorrow love " Esmeraldo kisses your check fast. He makes his way over to the balcony and use the vines on the wall to clime down we runs off fast.

There will be a part two soon

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα