Duncan X chubby girlfriend reader

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you are sitting in your small house living room feeding your toddler son, with his bottle of milk when there was a knock on the door. You leave your son on his back as he drinks his bottle to see how is that the door. You soon open the door to see your boyfriend Duncan standing at the door, he was also holding a duffle bag. 

y/n" Duncan what are yu doing here, I thought you had a few more months to service" 

Duncan" well doll face I got off early for good behavior and the help of my parole office" 


Duncan" I was thinking if I could come live with you and we can......" 

y/n" Duncan, please ...." 

Duncan" come on love I have changed and I have a job a very good one ..... I just want to have you and our son back in my life" 

y/n" Fine I will let you stay but you still have to prove yourself" 

Duncan" thanks doll face" you move aside allowing Duncan to walk into the house, he soon place his duffle bag onto the ground. He soon sees your guys son sitting up and soon facing him, your son soon smiles when he sees his father faces. When Duncan was in jail you had brought your son to see his father during some, visiting days so he can get to know his father. 

Duncan" hey there kiddo" Duncan soon picks up your son and gives him and hug. 

y/n" he really did miss you" 

Duncan" I missed him and you as well, I'm sorry for getting sent to jail when you wer pregnant with him" 

y/n" Duncan it okay, what matters the most is that you are here now" 

Duncan" I promise to be a better man and father" 

y/n" I know you will" you soon sit on the couch with Duncan and your son and started watching tv, you knew Duncan will have his ups and downs now that he out of jail but you are going to be by his side to help him out. 

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now