Duncan x reader part 2

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It was the next day and you are sitting in the mess hall reading your letter from johnny not even taking a bite out of your meal. 

Duncan " hey princess your oatmeal is getting cold and dry" 

y/n" oh yeah" you put the letter down and once you do that Courtney and Bridgette grab the letter fast and start reading it. 

Bridgette " aww y/n your boyfriend is so romantic" 

Duncan" he, not her boyfriend" the girls look at Duncan along with DJ and Geoff. 

y/n" Duncan is right he, not my boyfriend he a good friend of mines" 

Courtney" oh he seems to be very into you" 

DJ" hey why don't we talk about something else" soon the conversation had changed but you could see Duncan is pissed about something. 

after breakfast 

the new challenge today is based on going to the boney island a deadly inland near the camp, everyone was gathered on the beach. 

Duncan " hey y/n want to be teammates" 

y/n" sure Duncan I will love to" soon everyone is in the water and now heading to the inland. 

y/n" Ducan earth to Ducan" 

Duncan" yea princess" 

y/n" I said are you okay you seemed very angry when Bridgette thought johnny, was my boyfriend" 

Duncan " I just hate it when others jump to conclusions like that" 

y/n" okay" soon you all arrived at the inland Duncan helped you out of the boat, everyone picked up their boats and started walking to the other end of the inland. the rest of the challenge you and Duncan talked and laughed, and at the end your guys team won it was night time you are at the docks with Duncan. 

y/n" tonight it a beautiful night" 

Duncan" that as beautiful as you princess" 

y/n" aww Duncan I love your sweet talk because you always know the right things to say to me" 

Duncan" hey y/n I have something to tell you" 

y/n" sure go right ahead D" 

Duncan " y/n for a very long time I have been having a major crush on you, but in the past, I wanted to tell you so badly but I couldn't" 

y/n" D" 

Duncan " see what I'm saying is will you become my girl" you kiss Duncan on lips and soon look him in the eye. 

y/n" dose that answers your question" 

Duncan " yes it doses babe" Duncan soon kissed you on the lips back, he hugged you tightly as he knew you and you are finally together. you and Duncan soon went back to the campfire holding hands. 

Bridgette" aww so you two are a couple now" 

y/n " yes" 

DJ" you guys make a very cute couple" soon you and Duncan had a seat on the ground, he placed his right arm around your neck. He soon kissed you on the check making you blush bright red. 

Duncan" hey I hope johnny does not feel too horrible about, this but hey I don't give a care" 

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now