Prince namjoon x chubby reader Cinderella au

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Your stepsister has stoped your from attending the kingdoms ball with them, telling you that the prince, would not dance or talk to a fatty like you. You had given up on your dreams of hiding true love, and getting away from your evil stepsisters. Your servants who are like family to you, found a perfect dress and carriage to take you to the ball. You had now arrived at the ball, having people looking at you. You saw the prince namjoon begin surround by your stepsister, and other young ladies.

Y/n " I should just leave" you look down hoping no one, will notice you at all.

???? " excuse me my lady can I please have a dance with you" you look up fast to see the prince, standing right in front of you. Holding out his right hand, hoping you will take up
his offer.

Y/n " sure"

Namjoon " thank you" you place your right hand, in his he soon pulls you onto the dance floor. Everyone moves out of the away, leaving you and namjoon the allow ones on the dance floor.

Namjoon " you have stolen my heart when I laid, eyes on you this evening"

Y/n " thank you your highnesses"

Namjoon " you can call me namjoon beautiful lady"

Y/n " sure" after dance for a while more, namjoon soon had taken you away from the dance floor and outside to the garden.

Namjoon " I'm so glad you were able, to make to the ball"

Y/n " I was my honor I read in the invention, you will be looking for a bride and future queen"

Namjoon " yes that is true but I'm glad I was able to meet you"

Y/n " ......."

Namjoon " so has a beautiful lady been to any of the kingdom balls, in the past"

Y/n " no I was busy today when they, were taking place but I have had family attend them"

Namjoon " well I hope I can give you a wonderful time here, so you can come to more"namjoon then showed you, the rest of the castle garden and grounds. Time had went by in a flash, making your forget that you have to be home before your sisters.

Namjoon " I will love to meet you father or who ever came with you, so I can ask them something"

Y/n " well I cane here alone by male relative, was not able to come"

Namjoon " then I will have me and my guards, take you home so I can speak to them" just the the you up that the clock and saw, the time and you knew you have to leave.

Y/n " I'm sorry but I have to getting going, I promise I will be home on time" you step away from namjoon, and start walking away fast with namjoon chasing after you.

Namjoon " wait please don't leave yet I haven't gotten your name" you soon get your carriage and get in fast, the carriage driver takes off once see his namjoon coming after you.

Back with namjoon

Namjoon " find her find anything about her you can't"

Guard " your majesty she left her glass slipper and a locket"

Namjoon "good so we might be able to find her"after that namjoon went back to his chambers, holding the glass slipper and locket. He began to dream see you once again, hoping to know what will take place.

Namjoon " I will find you my beautiful lady"

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin