Yandere Tamaki x Chubby wheelchair reader

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You have been in a wheelchair for as long as you could remember, you had gotten in a car accident that the age of seven. Lost the use of your legs after that you soon became close friends with Kyoya and Tamaki. You meet Kyoya that his family hospital and became close friends with him. Soon after that, you meet Tamaki when he was making the host club and asked you to help get Kyoya into the club. You said yes and after that, you soon became a part of the host club in some way.

One afternoon you were sitting in the host club room drinking tea and reading a new book Kyoya bought for you.

??? " hello princess " you looked up fr9m your book and saw Tamaki standing to the right side of you. He was holding a white rose in his hand and pointed to that you.

Y/n " hello Tamaki that a beautiful rose "

Tamaki " I'm glad you love it I picked it just for you "Tamaki placed the rose into your book that was still left open, you picked up the rose and smelled it.

Y/n " thank you Tamaki "

Tamaki " your welcome princess so where did you get the book from it a new right "

Y/n " oh yes it new and Kyoya got it for me, I been trying to get it for a long time "

Tamaki " that nice of Kyoya " you could tell Tamaki was not happy when he said that, making you wonder with everything right between Kyoya and Tamaki.

Y/n " is everything all right, Tamaki "

Tamaki "oh yes y/n everything is peachy " soon you saw Kyoya walking behind Tamaki looking that his notebook and writing something down.

Y/n " hello Kyoya " soon Kyoya was that the table with you and Tamaki, he soon closed the notebook and looked straight that you.

Kyoya "hello y/n and Tamaki "

Tamaki " Kyoya what are you doing here "

Kyoya "well I'm here to take y/n to my family hospital for her treatment for today "

Y/n "oh yes I forgot "

Kyoya "well like get going before we are late "

Y/n " oh sure well bye for now Tamaki "

Tamaki "bye princess " Kyoya grabbed the handlebars attached to your wheelchair, started moving you out of the room. Sometimes you were able to push yourself when you were able to and other times you could not. You grabbed your book and rose and placed it in your lap.

Two hours later you had arrived that your family mansion after your treatment during the ride home, Kyoya was on the phone with someone. You heard him mention Tamaki name a couple of times but you thought nothing of it. You were laying in bed reading the same book you were reading earlier. When there was a loud bang coming from downstairs making you jump up in fear. Soon there was gun firing right after the loud bang the next thing you know, your bedroom door swings open. In came walking Tamaki covered in blood making you freak out and panic.

Y/n " Tamaki what going on "

Tamaki " I'm here to see you my princess "

Y/n " Tamaki why is there blood all over you "

Tamaki "oh I just had to get rid of the compunction "

Y/n " what do you mean compunction "

Tamaki "oh my dear princess I mean Kyoya he keeps on getting in the away of our love "

Y/n " Tamaki you are crazy "

Tamaki " crazy for you love " just then Tamaki placed and a rag over your face making you pass out quickly. Tamaki then picked up your cubby body and carried you out of your bedroom and soon out of your house. You knew nothing of where Tamaki was taking you and if you will very see your freedom again.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora