Shiro/lance/ keith x wife chubby reader au morden mafia life

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You are married to three mafia boss's, you father had arranged the marriage right after you graduated from college. That first you hate the whole arrangement, but you soon got to meet the three men you were to marry. Soon enough you had gotten to know them very well, you soon knew you would enjoy this marriage.

You had just gotten for from work, you your fashions store. You were locking up the store when you noticed it was raining. You did your best to call your driver, but the phone lines had gone down. There was a knock the front door to your shop, you went to open the door to see your three husbands standing there.

Shiro " hey sweetheart we care to pick you up "

Y/n " aww but don't you there have a meeting "

Lance " well we canceled it when we noticed you were here alone "

Keith " I called you put the phone lines went down "

Y/n " come inside you tree before you get sick "

Shiro " aww you don't want to take care of us anymore " all three guys walked inside of the shop, and soon take a seat on the couch.

Y/n " well I do but I hate it when you three trick me like last time "

Lance " what we want to cuddle with out wonderful sexy wife "

Keith " come on don't tell us you did not enjoy that moment "

Y/n " ........." you began to blush bight red after Keith had said that to you.

Shiro " your cute when you blush "

Y/n " hush " just after you said that lance had gotten up from his seat and warped his arms around you. Everything was going well until and car came speeding by the store and soon gun shots rang out. Bullets came threw the glass window, lance fall to the floor for cover with you. Soon enough all three men ran outside of the store shouting at the car. You soon were standing outside with your husbands in the pouring rain.

Shiro " get in the car now y/n "

Y/n " ........ "

Shiro " now " you walked over to the car fast and got inside quickly. Soon enough Keith came into the car, while lance and shiro argue outside. Soon enough the two of them were in the car.

Shiro " why did you come outside with us"

Y/n " I want to see if you guys were okay and no else got hurt "

Shiro " I'm sorry for yelling at you and lance, but I don't want to lose you "

Keith " you mean the world to us "

Lance " it will kills us if you got killed or hurt because of lifestyle "

Y/n " okay "

Shiro " now let's get home and we can deal with  the store later "

Y/n " sure "

When you got home you and the guys spent some time together, watching movies and eating food.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now