Megaton x young femme sister reader x optimism

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You are a young femme bot living on the planet earth with one of your older brothers and his elite team. You still missed Cybertron your home planet but you, it was to far gone to even return. Deep down you miss some more than your home planet and it was your other older brother megaton and his team. You still remember life before the civil war had broken out on your planet, dived bots into two groups good or bad . You can even remember the day when your brothers had to meet with the prime council, they both want to become primes to change the lives of every bot on Cybertron for the good. To also give you a better life as well, but that was too far in the past to go back to.

Many solar cycles ago

Y/n " sound wave do you think to go good in there, they have been in there for a while"

Sound wave " don't... worry... young .... One "

Rachet " sound wave is right y/n your brothers, will be out soon and then we will see if they had become primes"

Y/n " yes sir but I'm just worried about them"

Ratchet " nothing bad going to happened dear, and your brothers love you to much to let anything bad happen to you"

Y/n " okay" soon enough megaton had come outside looking mad about something, all three of you walk over to Megatron who is now in a heated conversation with optimism.

Y/n " megaton what going on why are you mad"

Megaton " our so-called brother has betrayed me, dear sister"

Optimism " megaton I did not betray you it just that your...."

Megaton " don't you dare speak to me again optimums you finally, got what you want you are a prime dear brother" megaton soon walks away mad leaving you there wondering what had just happened.

Y/n " brother wait we can talk..."

Megaton " no I'm done talking things out dear sister, and I'm done with this metal ball of a planet" before you could say anything else megaton transformed and soon took off flying. You were about to go after him when sound wave stopped you and went after him for you telling you to head back home while he and the others deal with the outcome.

Ten minutes later

After you had been sent home by everyone you locked yourself in your room, you did not want your family to be destroyed like this ever. Soon enough optimism had come back home without megaton he told you he will be away on travel to clear his mind. Soon after a half a solar cycle, the war had broken out and now optimism is out daily fighting megaton.

???? " pss wake up" you soon wake up to see megaton waking you up, you soon made eye contact with him.

Y/n " brother what are you doing here"

Megaton " I came to see you dear sister and ask you to join me and my army"

Y/n " brother I can't"

Megaton " I know love you don't want to hurt anyone of us.... But if you ever change your mind contact me with his comlink" megaton gave you a comlink and soon hugged you goodbye, and you hugged him back tightly. After a few weeks, you soon had left Cybertron with your brother and his team, and later start and new life on earth.

Present time

You are out for a drive you would mostly fly when you were out alone, but for some reason, you decided to just drive today. You had found this peaceful lake that no humans visit.

Optimism " y/n where are you"

Y/n " out brother I will be back soon"

Optimism " okay be safe"

Y/n " I will" soon after you end a car the earth shakes once you turn around to see a bot pointing his weapon at you. 

bot 1 " it time to die you, little femme traitor" 

y/n " you know you are doing something foolish,  I don't go down without a fight" You pulled out your guns and start firing at the bot who seemed to be hired to kill you. You soon felt something go right threw your mental body, you turned around to see star scream the meach that wanted your brother dead so he can rule the  Decepticons. 

y/n " so you can't do your own dirty work so, you have to have someone else help you" you soon fall to your knees, and look star scream in the eyes. He had just stabbed you with some dark engregon. 

star scream " Oh yes I needed some help with killing you, I know if you are dead it will throw your brothers into a war and prime will kill Megatron leaving me the leader" 

y/n " megaton will have your head for this is a bucket of scab mental" 

star scream" we will see about that love and now that dark engreon will kill you slowly, breaking your brother poor sparks" soon you got stab another price of dark engreon you soon fall down and start to feels the darkest engreon spend threw your body. In a flash, you saw a ground bridge open and out came running bulkhead, Bumblebee, accce, and optimums. 

Acce " leave her alone you fools fight someone your age rang" 

star scream " we will be leaving now" soon star scream and his helper soon transformed and flew off, prime soon had you in his arms he soon ran threw the ground bridge to get you some help. 

bulkhead " will she make it rachet" 

rachet " we just have to wait and see if the Allspark will save her and not take her away" 

acce " where is prime" 

rachet " with her in the medbay watching over her" 

with megaton 

Megatron " who laid hands on her I made it clear many years ago, no one lays a finger or eye on my sister" 

soundwave " she still online my lord but she not out of the woods yet" 

Megaton " find the bots who attacked her and I will kill them myself" 

sound wave " yes my lord and if you don't mind I will like to even the score as well" 

Megaton " sure" soon soundwave left megaton alone, megaton knew his second in commander have  very deep feeling for you and he approved of the relationship if it ever happens. 

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now