Male angel x broken heart chubby angel 2

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It had been two months since you had went away with queen eliza. You had meet Eliza adopted son named Hella, over the weeks he had become a friend of yours. You were hoping not to fall in love again, after what had happened between you and Leon. You were flying around the dark angel kingdom, trying to get your mind of Leon and the others.

???? " hello y/n " you heard someone calling you name, you looked around to see Hella flying towards you.

Y/n " oh hello Hella I thought you had portal this evening "

Hella " well I got off early after my mother asked me to come check on you "

Y/n " oh that caring of her "

Hella " so have your gotten use to the kingdom "

Y/n " well yes I have "

Hella" may ask what you are up to "

Y/n " just flying around trying to forget about prince Leon "

Hella " oh yes him "

Y/n " I'm guessing your mother told you the story "

Hella " well yes she has and what he did was wrong and cruel "

Y/n " hey want to join me for a flight around the kingdom "

Hella " I will love to " soon you and Hella flew around the kingdom talking. The both of you decided to stop flying for a while, and take as it on a hill.

Hella " hey y/n will you ever give love a second chance "

Y/n " I really don't know yet, the first time I loved it ended up me being hurt "

Hella " well I think the second time will end up well for you "

Y/n " how do you know that "

Hella " I just know"

Y/n " I hope you can prove at Hella "

Hella " I can " just then Hella kissed you on the lips. For some reason you kissed him back, you soon felt happiness in your heart.

Hella" so will you give me the chance you prove to you love this real, even when it came from the prince of dark angels "

Y/n " sure " Hella soon enough kissed you check, at when you saw an arrow almost hit Hella.

Hella " stay behind me" Hella placed himself right in front of you. That when you saw Leon laid right in front of you.

Y/n " Leon "

Leon " y/n you are okay "

Hella " get out of here prince Leon "

Leon " not without her "

Hella " she over you Leon you had her once and mess it up "

Y/n " ........"

Leon " I know that you fool and I found out that hard way I really love her "

Hella " I don't believe you "

Y/n " I might " you soon came from behind hella and flee towards Leon who look broken and hurt.

Hella " are you sure "

Y/n " maybe do you trust me hella "

Hella" yes I do love " Leon looked at you for some type of answer or question. You soon kissed Leon on the check, which seemed not to make Hella mad.

Y/n " I forgive you Leon and I still love you at the same time, but I also love Hella as well "

Leon " I know " you soon noticed your wing feathers had began to change color. You wings were now half black and half white as well, both men look at you with amazing and wonder.

Hella " it seems like your density this to be queen of both kingdoms "

Y/n " but an angel could only love one person "

????? " no that don't have to " just then queen Eliza came over to you three with the king of angels.

King " it seems like you are the love of both good and bad "

Eliza " I think you were going to find out a other way versus things way of heart break my dearie "

Y/n " oh "

King " the big question here is will you keep it or let it go " both hella and Leon looked at you wanting to know you answer to the King question.

Y/n " I will keep it ... I have love for both princes and I would not want to let that go "

Eliza " thank you dearie " hella and Leon had hugged you, they were happy you chosen to stay with them and not leave. Leon still had to make it up to you for both, but you told him he did not have to after what queen Eliza had told you.

Two months later you had married both of them on big and wonderful wedding. You had also been crowned queen as well, while they had been crowned kings. Hella and Leon still had some issues and hate between each, but that soon went away over the years.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now