Yandere shadow x chubby hedgehog reader

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You were best friends with Sonic and his friends you meet when you were captured by doctor eggman and soon joined their team and friendship. You are a chubby hedgehog girl but you were skill on studying maps and blue prints of builds. Soon shadow had joined the groups after a long time of asking him to by sonic or you. You , Amy and cream were having a sleepover that your place. You had walked back into the living room the sleepover was being held and saw Amy and cream whispering to each other. You were worried about your friends due to the look on their face that they seem scared about something.

Y/n "is everything ok you two "

Cream "oh yes y/n everything is fine we are just worried about the boys "

Y/n " what about the boys the only thing I know was that sonic told me they had to help shadow with something "

Amy " yes they did ...."

Y/n " why don't we watch a movie and we can check on the boys before or after "

Amy " why do we do it after we don't want the movie "

Cream " that sounds like a good plan "

Y/n "ok you sat down on the rug with the girls and placed the bowl of popcorn in the front of you three. Soon Amy found and movie and pushed play. It was 30 minuets into the movie when Amy phone began to ring she picked up her phone quickly. She soon turned it on to see what was happing the cheerful look on her face disappeared fast. Soon Amy stoped the movie quickly and got up from the rug.

Y/n " Amy what wrong "

Amy " we have to get somewhere safe now tails is coming to pick us up "

Cream " Amy "

Y/n " what happing "

Amy " I will tell you later just come on "

Y/n " ok " you and cream got up from the rug and followed Amy outside of your house where you saw tails plane waiting. You and cream got in the plane fast but not Amy. She had pulled out her hammer quickly making you panic more and wanting to know what was happing.

Y/n " Amy get inside now before ..... " just then a black and red dash came up quickly and took out Amy. Amy got up from the ground and began to fight the the thing that took her out.

Amy " tails get going on I will caught up soon "

Tails " yes Amy "

Y/n " no tails we take leave ..... " soon the plane took off from ten ground and soon you flew away to some where safe. You keep on thinking about Amy and the guys. Soon the plane landed that the secret base that tails had made just in case something bad happened. You were sitting in the living room with cream both of you on the couch looking that one other. Tails had left to go check on something but said he will be back soon.

Y/n " cream please tell me what happing "

Cream " y/n "

Y/n "please cream I'm worried about Amy and the guys "

Cream " ok I will tell you ..... you see after shadow had joined us sonic and tails began to notice his liking to you "

Y/n " what type of liking "

Cream " a creepy one he began to start to be obsessive over you and hate it when the we hugged you or talked with you "

Y/n " wait what "

Cream " so sonic and knuckles went to deal with him and keep him away from you for the good of you and us "

Y/n " oh no "

Cream " no one blames you " soon there was a Big Bang that the door you and cream jumped up from the couch. You had placed cream behind you. Soon the sliding door to the living room sway open fast and soon tails was tossed into the room. You and cream ran to his side and saw he was beating up badly making you panic and worry what going to happen next.

Y/n " cream stay here and take care of tails "

Cream " yes y/n " you got up from the floor and walked over to the door ready to fight off the person who had hurt tails. You soon saw shadow waking down the hallway with a creepy smirk on his face looking you up and down.

Shadow " hello y/n my love "

Y/n " shadow stay away from me how could you hurt our friends "

Shadow " our so called friends did not want us together with love so I had to get rid of them "

Y/n " why did you do "

Shadow " doctor egg man has them and soon he will have those two brats "

Y/n " no please shadow "

Shadow " they won't feel anything love "

Y/n " please shadow let them the others go and I will go away with you "

Shadow "promises "

Y/n " I promise "

Shadow " good " just then shadow knock you out cold you could hear tails and cream screaming your name. You soon woke up in a plane.

Shadow " you are finally awake my dear "

Y/n " what .... "

Shadow " well I keep my promise to you love and so your so called pals are free and we are far away from them "

Y/n " where are we going "

Shadow "some where no one will find us "

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now