Female empress x Male consorts/husbands

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The males right: Shiro, Shang, and Hiro, Kaname 

the guys alone: Tadashi

You are sitting in your palace throne room with your other four husbands/consorts, you are still trying to understand the news you had just heard. One of your male consorts Tadashi had been pointed out to unloyal to you, and he was planning your downfall with from enemies. 

Shiro" they might be telling the truth, my love" 

Y/n" I just don't want to belive it, Shiro... He one of my husbands and he also the father of my son" 

Shang" we know love but maybe it will be for the better you kept, your distance away from him" 

y/n" sure" 

Hiro" if there is anything we can...." 

y/n" no I'm fine I just want to be alone for a while" 

Kaname" yes love" soon your four husbands leave you alone on the throne room to think, to yourself. For the rest of that week and the week coming up you avoiding talking or even being near Tadashi. 

 many nights later

Servant " excuse me empress y/n your husband Tadaish is here to you" 

y/n" thank you" you soon see Tadaish walk into your bedroom with a small smile on his face, he bows when he makes eye contact with you. 

Tadashi" hello my love" 

Y/n" hello why have you come to see me that this time of night" 

Tadashi" well I haven't seen you in many moons my love, and I decided to come to see you this night and speak with you" 


Tadashi" I was wondering maybe we along with our son can go to the...." 

Y/n" I can't I have something else to do tomorrow" 

Tadashi" sure my love maybe we...." 

y/n" Tadashi can we just deal with this tomorrow after" 

Tadashi" sure my love I'm sorry for waking you up" Tadashi soon got up from his seat and walked out, of the room and you could see the look on his faces was hurt a bit. 

The next day 

you had just gotten out of your meets with your palace scholars and Nobel man, you are now walking around the palace trying to find some peace. 

Tadashi" hello my love" 

y/n" oh hello Tadashi" 

Tadashi" I was told you would be here... will you be willing to finish what we were speaking about last night" 

Y/n" umm sure" 

Tadashi" great" you soon sit on a stone bench with Tadashi while you look at the pound. 

Tadashi" I miss being with you y/n I never get to have alone time with you, or even hang out with you and others" 

y/n" well something came up" 

Tadashi" tell me if I did something wrong I will fix everything" 

y/n" ........" 

Tadashi" I'm one of your loyal husbands when ever have I lied to you" 

y/n" Tadashi........" you had gotten up from your seat and took a few steps away from Tadashi when you felt something hit you hard and that when you looked down a bit and saw an arrow. You see Tadashi runs over to you fast and catches you before you fall. 

Later that night 

you soon wake up and see your other four husbands there along with your only child, sora. once they all see your awake they started to smile. 

sora" mother your okay" 

Y/n: yeah... wait where is your father" 

Kaname" he is being held in the palace jail" 

Shiro" we guards had ransacked his chambers and found some, bad news linking Tadashi to what happened to you" 

Shang" we are so sorry love" You hold your son sora close to your body hoping this will all be over in the morning, but it was already starting. 

Hiro" you have to rest my love you still need to heal" you fall asleep sora had asked you if he stay with you tonight, and you said yes because you knew this was hurting him as well. 

Palace jail 

Tadashi" you lied to me" 

????" oh no I didn't Tadashi I just had to use you to get what I want, and now with you gone I can have my son take you empty place and win empress y/n heart" 

Tadashi" no....no... they will know the truth" 

????" no they won't and soon enough your own son will hate you and never want to speak about you or hear from you" 

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now