Brunt victim Tadashi x chubby reader

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It was all your fault it was all your fault those were the last words your heard from the gang and hiro. Each one of them seem to blame you for what happened to tadashi, two mouth ago in his laboratory. Tadashi has asked you to come by his laboratory to help him out with a project, which you had agreed on due to you have a big crush on your best friend and main supporter. Tadashi never allows others to speak baldy about you, when he was around or even away form you. That friendship will be tested after tadashi laboratory got on fire right before the project started, tadashi had pushed you to safety trapping him but he was soon save but got third degree burns from the big fire and explosion. You did you best to vist tadashi in the ER but gotten turned away, after one of tadashi fan girls Megan blamed you for everything and everyone fell for it.

One day you decided to vist tadashi while everyone was in class, you had been suspended from school for while. You had finally found tadashi room but you were to scared to knock, that was until the door swings open slowly.

Tadashi " hello who there " it was to late to turn back tadashi had already noticed someone had came to visit him. You walk in slowly to see all the lights turned off and tadashi standing near the window.

Tadashi " y/n is that you "

Y/n " ......"

Tadashi " hey why don't you say something please tell me it you...I have not seen or heard from you did you get hurt "

Y/n " ....."

Tadashi " are you okay y/n I know it you by the smell of your perfume cherry blossom "

Y/n " hey tadashi " you soon saw tadashi come walking up you and hug you tightly.

Tadashi " I missed you so much I thought you had gotten hurt badly or even killed "

Y/n " no I'm fine ... so how are you "

Tadashi " good now that you are here... hey why don't you turn on the lights so we can see each "

Y/n " umm sure " you switched on the lights to see what tadahsi had really looked like and how badly he was brunt.

Tadashi " hey my aunt brought me some doughnuts why don't we sit and eat them "

Y/n" sure " tadashi moved back to his bed and sat down, you soon sat down right next to him while he passed you a doughnut.

Tadashi " the gang and hiro said you had stuck in another ER from me, and I began to worry about you but I'm happy you back and safe "

Y/n " well no I'm here safe and sound"

Tadashi " hey y/n that day at my lab I was planning to tell you something... you see y/n for some time it had began to love you more then friends should "

Y/n " Tadashi "  just then tadashi kissed you on the lips and you kissed him back, you are happy to have your best friend back and he happy to have you back as well. Soon enough the gang and hiro said sorry for everything they had done. Soon enough everything was forgiven and back to normal.

Sad ending 😢

Tadashi had finally waken up to see everyone he cares about but you. He looked all around the room for you but show nothing, he did he best to get out of the bed , but the boys had stoped him.

Tadashi " where is y/n is she okay where is she"
Everyone was silent and not even looking at Tadashi. Hiro soon placed a hand on his head and look straight at his older brother with tears in his eyes.

Hiro " I'm sorry but she "

???? " your murder you killed my daughter you should of dead not her " hiro had been pushed away by your father, who soon grabbed Tadashi and started shaking him.

Tadashi " no she can't be dead she was right " Tadashi soon caught on and lost his temper nurse and doctors soon rushed in, and took your father away and knock out Tadashi so he would not hurt himself even more. The gang and hiro were sitting outside crying they knew how much Tadashi loved you, and how much you meet to them.

Once he came home he looked himself away he was working on a new project, a one that could bring you back to him and everyone.

Tadashi " I will do whatever it takes to bring you back y/n anything my love " Tadashi was holding the picture of you and him during, your guys second semester of college as freshman.

Tadashi " I love you y/n I'm so sorry "

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin