Kaname x chubby vampire reader

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You had been best friends with kaname since, you both have been little. You had been hearing rumors, that kaname has feels towards a vampire girl that school. You started to think it could of been, someone perfect for kaname. You start to hang out with is other vampire boy named zero.  Soon enough you began to spend less time with kaname, and growing your friendship with zero.

Zero " so have you spoken to kaname yet"

Y/n " no I haven't I had been avoiding him, lately"

Zero " oh well the will explain all the dirty, looks kaname has been giving me lately"

Y/n " what"

Zero " well it seems like kaname dear followers, have been telling him you been spending time with me over him"

Y/n " I'm guess I should go speak to him should I"

Zero " it your decision y/n"

Kaname " what decision dose y/n have to make" you and zero turn around to see kaname standing there, with his arms folded and looking upset.

Y/n " hey kaname"

Kaname " there you are y/n I have been looking for you everywhere"

Y/n " oh you have"

Zero " well I'm sorry but me and y/n have to get going to class right" zero looks at you and you knew he is trying his best to help you.

Y/n " oh yeah right hey I will see you later kaname"

Kaname" hey why don't I join you guys, both to the walk to class to make sure it safe"

Zero " she is safe with me kaname, you don't always have to control her every move and where about"

Kaname " I just want her to be safe okay" zero soon grabbed your hand, and started walking away from kaname fast. He soon got you both in the school library, where you both hide behind a self of books.

Y/n " when did kaname become so overprotective"

Zero " I don't know but it seems like he hates me, being around you"

Y/n " why everyone know I'm just like a baby sister to him, nothing more and nothing less"

Zero " I think he might think more of you"

Y/n " what no you have to be kidding"

Zero " no have you seen the way he looks at you, and how mad he gets when others guys are around you"

Y/n " I think I'm going to ask kaname that myself later in this evening before the sun rise"

Zero " okay" you and zero soon leave the library standing very close to each to close for a certain vampire male watching, you two with lust and angry in his eyes. I was true that kaname love you deeply but I started to hate it when you started to hang out with zero more then him. He started to think you had picked zero to be your soul mate mot even giving him a chance to prove himself to you.

Later on in the evening you had returned to your dorm room, and closed the door behind you nervous and tried. You and spent the last few hours looking for kaname but you couldn't find him.

????? " you are finally back" you soon see kaname sitting on your bed, he soon gets up and walks over to you.

Y/n " hey ..... "

Kaname " don't hey kaname me y/n I have to to tell you some important to tell you"

Y/n " ......"

Kaname " y/n how many years I have love you and I keeps on growing and it can't go away, I want you to be mu soul mate for life"

Y/n " kaname" kaname then pulls you into a passionate kiss which soon end in a few seconds and now kaname is looking straight at you.

Kaname " so what do you say"

Y/n " yes" once kaname heard you say at he kissed you once again on the lips. You kiss him back and start blushing.

Kaname " I love you"

Y/n " I love you too"

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt