Biker boy x chubby female reader 2

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You really want to go on another date with Ryan, you also wanted to get to know him better as well. You had been walking by the auto shop a few times, hoping Ryan would see you soon enough. It was the fourth time of you walking by when, Ryan had came out of the garage and he, was soon standing right in front of you. He had oil stains on his shirt and pants, he look at you with a smirk on his face.

Ryan " hey y/n so what are you up to "

Y/n " just taking a walk "

Ryan " in a big circle around the shop four times "

Y/n " what no .... maybe "

Ryan " well it good I finally stoped you, i was wondering if you want a second date with me "

Y/n " sure I was going to try to ask you that, when I worked up the right words"

Ryan " so that why you been walking around for a while "

Y/n " yes "

Ryan " your cute when you blush... so there a fair in town want to go there for our date "

Y/n " sure "

Ryan " cool and I will try to win you a few prizes "

Y/n " sure "

Ryan " hey meet here at 5:00 pm tonight and I will give you a ride to the fair "

Y/n " okay see you then Ryan " Ryan gave you a kiss on the check fast and soon went back to work. You soon headed home to get ready for your second date with Ryan.

Few hours later

It was five o'clock and you are walking back to the auto shop, once you got there you saw Ryan sitting on his bike. You saw him fixing up his hair in one of the motorcycle mirrors, he soon saw you and stoped what he was doing.

Ryan " hey cutie "

Y/n " hey Ryan "

Ryan " ready to go "

Y/n " yes "

Ryan " well the get on, but put this helmet on first " Ryan passed you over a helmet which you put it on, and you soon got on the bike. Once you were on safely Ryan started up his bike and took off, you held on tight to him while riding on the bike at a high speed. After a few minutes you had arrived at the fair.

Ryan " hey let me win you a teddy bear love " you and Ryan had walked into a fair and you saw a game stand, Ryan saw you looking at it and pulled you over to the stand.

Y/n " okay " Ryan gives the stand owner two dollars, and soon starts playing the game. He soon enough won you a teddy bear that smelt like chocolate. You and Ryan had decided to get some food, at the food court you had gotten the food and found a seat.

Ryan " hey I will be back I have to use the bathroom "

Y/n " okay " Ryan got up form his seat and soon walked away to the bathroom area. You soon were eating your fries, when three guys came up to you.

Guy 1 " hey baby girl what are you doing here alone "

Y/n " none of your damn business "

Guy 2 " come one cutie don't be so heartless to us "

Y/n " I'm here with my male friend so get lost "

Guy 3 " well he might not mind sharing you with us " soon the third guy placed his hand on your shoulder. You stared to feel very uncomfortable you pushed the guy off of you, which soon made things worst.

Guy 3 " I love when girl fright back come on ...." just then then the third guy, got punched in the face you looked up to see Ryan over the men body.

Ryan " leave my girl alone before I break something else of yours "

Guy 2 " fine dude we are gone " the two guys help their pal up and soon run off fast. Soon Ryan was sitting next you, with his knuckles bleeding from the impact.

Y/n " Ryan are you okay "

Ryan " yeahs I'm fine are you okay, they seemed to be making you uncomfortable "

Y/n " yeah I'm fine "

Ryan " sorry about our date being ruined "

Y/n " hey the date not over yet, and it not ruined at all let's us enjoy the rest of the night "

Ryan " sure anything for you princess " you and Ryan continue the rest of the date, with no more issues.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu