Yandere prince cadence x chubby unicorn reader

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Prince cadence has been your best friend along with the royal guard shining armor. They both are like older brothers to you and care deeply for you. You had a job in the Chrystal kingdom as a helper to prince cadence. One morning you are walking around the castle grounds, you had some papers cadence had to read over.

???? " hey y/n " you turned around to see shining armor walking towards you.

Y/n " hey shining how are you today "

Shining armor " good and what about you "

Y/n " busy as usual but I will be done in five minutes and have the rest of the day off "

???? " which she will get early if she not busy talking with you " you both turned around to see cadence he had a smirk on his face.

Y/n " hey cadence I have some paperwork for you "

Prince Cadence " thank you y/n "

Shining armor " what have you been up to cadence "

Prince Cadence " setting up the royal gala coming up "

Y/n " oh yes the gala "

Prince Cadence " who are you going with y/n "

Y/n " sliver stream for shining guard group asked me "

Shining armor " oh that wonderful "

Prince Cadence " oh yes it is... hey y/n that remind me you are needed in the kitchen "

Y/n " oh sure " you used your magic to make the paper go to cadence chamber, you soon said goodbye to both stallions and soon left them alone.

Prince Cadence " you better tell you, dear guard, to step off before I do to him as I did to the others "

Shining armor " you have to stop being obsessed with her cadence "

Prince Cadence " never "

Shining armor " I will stop you both you get to her "

Prince cadence " let see about that " cadence used his magic to make the shining armor, disappear in a night yellow light soon enough he was gone.

After that prince cadence made sure to go after the stallion that was after you. He was going to make him hate asking you to the gala.

That night

Sliver steam did not show up yet, along with shining armor and some other royal guards. You started to think you might have gotten stood up by him. You are wearing a blue and white dress you had brought and a couple of weeks ago. You saw cadence walking up to you with a smile on his face. He was soon standing right in front of you.

Prince cadence " hey y/n what wrong"

Y/n " I think I might have gotten stood up by my date "

Prince cadence " aww hey why don't you have a couple of dances with me I till he shows up.... he might be a bit late "

Y/n " sure " you had a few dances with cadence, you stated to get worried when shining armor did not show up yet. He was never late to a royal yet and was always on time.

Y/n " I think I'm going to head home if I find shining armor I will tell him he is missed "

Prince cadence " oh okay " you soon left the gala on your way home, a circle of dark light formed around you. You did your best to use your magic to help you out, but no luck.

Prince cadence " oh you won't be getting out anytime soon "

Y/n" cadence what going on "

Prince cadence " I'm taking what mine and keeping you safe " just then you disappeared into the dark light. You soon opened your eyes to see you are in cadence bedroom.

Prince cadence " hello my love you are up "

Y/n " cadence you are scaring me please let me go "

Prince cadence " never and you will become my queen or shining armor and his guards will die "

Y/n " no please no ... I will become your queen but don't hurt them "

Prince cadence " as you wish "

After the horrible night, the next day cadence had told the kingdom, you had become his queen. The only people who knew the truth were shining armor and his loyal guards, they had been told to keep their mouths quiet about the whole thing. 

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now