[ t w e n t y - f o u r ]

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Jinho's POV:
Finally everything was settled. Hongseok still wouldn't stop crying. Cute crying baby. However- I can't see his face later on anymore. I wish, I wish God would just give me some time. Please... He was just trying endlessly to grab me. Of course, he failed miserably. Everyone was really, really shocked that I came back. I know it's unbelievable... but yes, I'm back, and not for long. It hurts me so much to see Hongseok crying this much. That's why,, I have to end this quickly. Or else, I will be stuck like this, so will them be stuck in this parallel space i created to shield them if I can't rest in peace before the coming day. Magic is the weirdest thing i've ever used.

I'm sorry.

"Hongseok, choose a person between me and Changgu to die. Only one person can live. it's a very strong spell to help you decide your path in the future. One person has to be gone, because i was originally dead, but this rare chance has came to you because... you are a good person, and your regrets are so strong that the world has been shaken."-The cruelest thing i've ever said. I may be his pentagon, but Changgu could be his universe. maybe we aren't meant to be together.

Hongseok's POV:

What- what did he just say...? Choose between them? How can... this happen...? Why?? "Or else we will be stuck in this parallel world that only consist us 9 forever." "I don't care!" I screamed. This is a precious chance that I can't lose. This chance, of choosing life and death, was actually given to me like no one has ever does. I just want him back, But I can't make everyone to be left here and suffer with us. The members are my Pentagon, but what is Pentagon without Jinho? He's my "universe", and my whole universe.

I can feel the members' glare doubt. They have every right to do that, as their lives are in danger if I give up making a choice. "How much time do I have?" "One day..." "Started an hour ago."

Changgu's POV:
really. maybe we just aren't meant to be.
i could be just a nobody to him. "just let me die, Hongseok. i've accomplished everything i want in my life already. you can have Jinho back,, it's a really rare chance. take it."

Hongseok's POV:
If I make a choice in such a hurry, I would definitely choose to sacrifice Changgu because of the overflowing joy to meet Jinho again...I never was really sure how much Changgu meant to me ever since we dated. Maybe it had been the wrong choice. I should've been with Jinho, then he could be with Yanan, who deserves him much more. I couldn't just let Jinho go like this.  But is Changgu unimportant?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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