[ f i v e ]

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At 10am sharp the next day, the boys managed to sneak into the maknae dorm without waking hongseok up. After waiting for a while, the younger members finally saw kino, shinwon and hui stumbling towards them. 'You're 3 minutes late,' stated wooseok, glaring at the approaching members. 'Well tell that to the person who almost tripped and fell and would've woke hongseok up,' retorted shinwon, 'it's not our problem that someone here is sO clumsy, who even stumbled over himself in the relay in ISAC.' he said, glaring at hui. 'Okay let's not fight over something stupid,' said kino, stepping forward, 'Let's all focus on finding Jinho, come on, let's not waste time.' and he turned around and headed towards Jinho's room. wooseok gave shinwon one last glare before following the others.
     Kino turned the doorknob and revealed Jinho's room. He reached for the light switch and looked around as the other members piled in. 'Okay everyone,' said Yeo one, 'Search through Jinho's stuff and see if you can find anything interesting or unusual and we'll see if we can do anything about that.' and they went to work. Scouring through papers and going through files, everyone was on search mode as they went through everything in Jinho's room, but they found nothing in there. Wooseok sighed heavily as he put down the stack of paper on Jinho's desk that he went through several times already, 'There's nothing in here!' Mumbles of agreement went through the room, 'Shall we stop?' asked Yuto.
       Just when Yeo one was about to answer, a yell cut him off, 'Wait!', it was hui, who was sitting in front of Jinho's computer, 'I found something- wEird-' Yeo one was puzzled. 'How did you get his password?' Hui smiled, 'I peeked, and he never knew. It's "Jojiiscuteandtallilove417lineandhongseok".'
And with that, everyone in the room immediately piled up in front of the computer as they strained their necks to look at the bright screen. 'Look at tHIS,' he said as he clicked into Jinho's search history. And everyone gasped when they saw an endless list of searched websites about the blue whale 'suicide challenge'. Everyone stared at the screen in silence. ''No-' wooseok stammered, 'it can't be-' staring at the screen in disbelief, 'Jinho wouldn't do that- would he?' His eyes wide with fear. 'This isn't even the scary part yet,' said Hui and he scrolled up and pointed to one specific column of angry black letters that glowered at the boys and left the room in deep silence. And it read, 'suicide places'. And Jinho has obviously chosen one specific place, shown by his search history afterwards.

They all went silence, losing their energetic and crackhead self they used to had. They could not believe that their hyung left them like this.

He abandoned them, forever and  ever.

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