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Kino slammed the locker door hard and banged his head against it and groaned with frustration. How could he have done this to yanan? how could he have cheated on him? he was pretty sure yanan saw what happened that day when he kissed hongseok during the walk. he shook his head as mixed up emotions and thoughts overwhelmed him. His head spinned and whirled like a tornado. he lifted his head up, deep in his thoughts and opened his locker, looking at the stuff that was piled up in his locker. suddenly, the bright blue color of the lockers seemed dull and pale as he felt the world closing around him. he tried to push the thoughts away as they clawed their way into his mind but he wasn't able to suppress the guilt that he had been feeling for the past few days. he hadn't spoke to yanan ever since and even when they would come across each other, Kino would duck his head down with embarrassment and continue walking. he couldn't even look at him. just as he was drowned in his thoughts about yanan, he heard footsteps entering the room. he quickly snapped back into reality and pretended to organise everything in his locker, looking flustered. he tried to concentrate on what he was doing as the footsteps started to near. cold sweat started to drip along his forehead as the footsteps that echoed in the room stopped right next to him. he gulped as he slowly peeked behind the locker door to see the person that was standing there, his hands in his pocket and was looking straight at him. Yanan, Kino thought as he slowly closed the locker door that was between them, and faced him. They looked at each other in silence. but Kino could not bear the silence any longer so he opened his mouth to stutter the words, 'Yanan, i-' but he was interrupted as yanan's gentle voice filled the whole room, 'Come with me,'

Yanan lead Kino out of the building, away from all the busy traffic and to a pathway, shaded with overhanging trees and falling autumn leaves. the sunlight shone through the red, yellow leaves and caressed their faces with gentle, warm light. Yanan stopped in his tracks for Kino to catch up and they walked beside each other in silence. Yanan glanced sideways to see Kino, clearly uncomfortable and was shifting his hands and fixing his sleeve nervously. He's obviously guilty, thought Yanan as he looked ahead and he decided to speak, 'Kino...?' A stutter replied him, 'y-yes...?' He looked at him and asked, 'can you be honest with me?' Kino lifted his head up to look at Yanan as a wave of warmth filled his whole body, 'y-yes?'
'Do you still like me?'
And everything around them seems to stop. Yanan looked at Kino, who was looking at his feet nervously, looking very troubled as he waited patiently for him to answer. The autumn wind blowed at their cheeks and the leaves fell around them as they held their breaths in silence. and what seems like an eternity later, a whisper answered him, 'i don't know.....'
And what they didn't know, was that a butterfly, a pale white butterfly with brown spots that tipped its wings like caramel, was fluttering between them, desperately trying to catch their attention. but the both of them seem to look past the butterfly as if there were nothing there. and it was that moment that the truth was revealed and the butterfly realized:

They couldn't see the it. The butterfly. Me.

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