[ t w e n t y - t h r e e ]

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Changgu's POV:

I'm finally out there. Jinho hyung let me out.

"So i guess you could figure out everything yourself, right? I'm sorry to lock you up there... But i need to. Or else you're going to be in danger just like how i was. The crazy fan had already found out your relationship with Hongseok, and he was planning to harm you like what he had done to me. I don't want Hongseok to lose you... he can't bare that. You meant too much to him." I couldn't help but laughed. It was exactly the opposite, I thought. He couldn't care less about me as his partner. He barely treats me that way, and we don't actually talk as much as before we were together, but I played along. "I almost used up all my powers these days to become a butterfly and come to everyone... So i have to take a rest before I can appear as human form in front of you all. I also used these days to figure out how to come through the true love spell and spread in front of you all... i'm sorry Changgu. Hyung can't protect you and instead made you uncomfortable."

"It's okay." I smiled. I can see he meant well. We then walked to Pentagon's maknae dorm as I already called a meeting there. They all went to Jinho hyung's room as I instructed, and they were literally so confused. You should've seen their faces. Jinho told me they were transported to here, this parallel universe, by him and this world was quiet, and silent. Hongseok was there too... It has been days since i've seen him, and I miss him so, so much.

The butterfly flew in the room after me. Everyone gasped when they see it. He really did broke the true love spell. Then the bright light appeared again. It was from him, as if an angel from heaven had come to the Earth. I guess he really was an angel from heaven. And of course, everyone was so shocked that they have to close their eyes. But Hongseok obviously realized there's something special because I looked prepared for this. After seconds, the light was gone.

And Jinho hyung appeared.

Everyone was so shocked. Hyungs and dongsaengs were all screaming. "Is that... is that a ghost!?" Hui shrieked. After hearing this, everyone took a step back, looking frightened. Hongseok, out of all, took a step forward and walked towards Jinho. He was crying. Really crying. "Jinho...... Jinho-yah, is that really you? Please tell me, it's really you... Don't ever, ever leave me again..." He then went to hug Jinho while screaming his name out.

But as Jinho is not a real person, he cannot be hugged. Hongseok was shocked that his hands went straight through Jinho's body. "Wha-What?" He was stammering through his words due to shock. "How could this be...? Jinho...?" Then he went wailing again, "Jinho, didn't you say you like me? Here am I, ready to be loved by you and love you back... Are you really going to leave me here? Don't you feel guilty? Who's going to receive the birthday wishes with me when you're gone? What's going to happen to Jinhongseok ship? Do you really wish to leave me here?" That had obviously triggered Jinho, but i've never seen Hongseok crying so hysterically. But what can he do? He can't choose what can he be, or when is his life going to end.

Jinho couldn't do anything but to try to reach for Hongseok. But after thousands of trials, he still couldn't touch him. He tried again, and again, and again. Still, nothing happened. The others started to be less scared and eventually started to cry. It was overwhelming, I agree, that he actually came back. After some crying, he finally started to tell them what happened. They started with not believing him, but everything did make sense... But he left out the fact that it was Hongseok's crazy fan that made everything happen. Hongseok doesn't have to feel guiltier, he said.

a/n: sorry for not updating even tho no one reads this lmao :D

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