[ t w e n t y ]

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honksnacc: changgu?
Gguggu baby: what's up seokie :,( are you feeling better?
honksnacc: yes,, i guess- i want to open up to you- about everything.
Gguggu baby: are you sure that- you want to?
honksnacc: yes,, i guess it's my fault that i didn't open up to you even you're my partner. but please don't be mad
Gguggu baby: why would i-?
honksnacc: so recently, i'm thinking that, what if, just what if, i've chosen jinho over you? will things be different today? will it? even with just the slightest chance? i mean, i'm sure he means a lot to me in lots of ways, and i would do anything to get him back.
Gguggu baby: including giving me away?
honksnacc: i'm so sorry changgu- but the truth is, i was his best friend since primary school- and in high school, we were also known as pentagon and was the biggest band in the district at that time- i even had a crush on him before... he was- is- my best friend even until now,, he really means a lot to me.
Gguggu baby: i understand. when i know you, you're literally the biggest and cutest guy in the city. i know there were lots of competitors and you chose me,, i can't ask for anything more i guess.
honksnacc: we were in the band room singing together and trying to record a soundtrack to see if any labels would like to take us in- he was so talented and shimmering, that SM immediately took him, i was rather unfortunate that i had to wait for a year longer and failed to debut- but then because of the failing of debut i can be here.
honksnacc: he's really tiny and small :,) he's the cutest boy i've ever seen. whenever i see that smolbeanho, i would want to protect him. people thought i'm his hyung at that time... those days were beautiful, when the sun would glitter, the breeze would caress, and he would be there, smiling because i was there.
Gguggu baby: thanks for being sincere with me... i guess that's i need- rather than sugary lies. i would help you to do anything for Jinho, as long as you like...

Changgu received the messages when he was wandering in the park, thinking about his relationship with Hongseok. Obviously, he was sad and disappointed, but was glad that Hongseok is willing to open up. what's more, he see that he loves Hongseok so much that he could do anything for him. even if it hurts. He had decided to be there for Hongseok.

Then Changgu saw the butterfly.
The one that only appeared in tales for him, has now finally appear in the form of a butterfly. White and pure, like a feather. But something is wrong. People around him disappeared. The sky was swirling and so was the sun. The butterfly was glowing and shining so much that, Changgu thought his eyes were going to go blind. The beam of light further extended until the whole room was brightly white which Changgu can barely see anything.

Changgu's POV:

I don't really know what's happening, but no one has ever mentioned to me about this shining, shimmering, splendid scene. I mean, I could have been more well prepared. i'm pretty shocked right now,, what can I do???? i'm stuck in some weird ass parallel space i guess,, by the way???? Something weirder just happened. The beam of light- no, the blast of light didn't just grow- it went taller, and taller, until it became as tall as a human- not a very tall human but still, it's now in a human shape. it's nearly as tall as Jinho hyung- no wait- it's as tall as Jinho hyung. No wait...- it's Jinho hyung.
It has to be him. It looks like him. Or is it- him? or just another- it? Please be him. Please. We all need him. Does saying "pretty please" help here? If so, let it be Jinho hyung, pretty please-???? i'm saying it anyways.


"Changgu-ya my dear, don't freak out." the voice soothed me. "Jin...Jinho...?" The beam of light, now appeared in a full form as a human- which is Jinho hyung- talked. Not only that he has a face but he also seems... real. Real. As in reachable, touchable. Even though something seems weird about him. We were under a dome of golden lights, but there were black smoke outside, attempting to break the golden cover. I immediately ran forward and hugged him. "We all have been missing you so much!" All he did was to give me a very, very weak smile.

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