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Then Yanan looked at Changgu, as if he's the most angelic person he had ever seen. Changgu has bright eyes and a shining personality, which is kind of like Hyunggu. Ah, the Ggus, he thought. He liked these kinds of boys.

The tingling was then replaced by a shock and disappointment. He saw Kino pecking a kiss on Hongseok's face. He couldn't believe the boy that asked him out days earlier just did that to him. He then saw Hyunggu's face getting red and immediately regretting his actions. That somehow comforted Yanan. Hongseok hyung is not going to win everyone i love from me, he thought, he wasn't the best.

Kino blushed really hard. He cannot believe he that himself too. Did he just cheated on Yanan-? What's more, did Yanan see it? What if he did? Kino felt like there's a part of him collapsing.

Yanan wasn't glad with Kino's reaction, and therefore gave Changgu a kiss on his cheeks. Although Yanan kind of likes Changgu, Changgu only likes Hongseok.

Changgu's POV:

i'm shocked. did yanannie just kissed me? I mean, he's my best friend and i had an argument with hongseok, but why? isn't he dating hyunggu? i still can't see that butterfly, but seems like all three of them have seen it before. what have i done wrong? am i not close enough with jinho hyung?

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