[ b o n u s 2.0 ]

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Shinwon stumbled after Hui, panting with the effort to go up the spiraling stairs. 'Hwitaek-sshi- ' He panted as he gasped for air, 'W-wait for me, y-you're going to fast!' Hui popped his head from above the stairway to look at him, which was way ahead of where shinwon was, 'You're just going too slow! I can't wait to see the stars! They're gonna be so amazing!'  His voice echoing in the stairway and his heavy impatient footsteps thundering and seems to grow even more distant every second. Shinwon groaned as he put one foot on the millionth step. He didn't even know why he even agreed to go to the very top of the building using stairs as Hui said it will be more 'healthy' and a 'more realistic experience'. 'Such a weird guy,' Shinwon grumbled as he continued climbing up the stairs, but he reminded himself once more,
For Hwitaek.
When he reached the top, Hui was already waiting for him there. Shinwon was in an absolute mess. 'You took so long!' Hui pouted, 'You're literally no difference from the time needed to wake yeo one up!' Shinwon rolled his eyes, 'Well I don't see you run that fast even when you're catching the bus,' He retorted back, clearly annoyed but trying not to feel embarrassed at the fact that even Hui can outrun him. Hui gently pushed Shinwon and turned around to sit on the wall that separates the black starlit sky and the grey cement on the floor. Shinwon hopped on next to Hui and dangled his feet mid-air. He looked up at the sky, the milky speckles twirled and danced along the sky in various patterns, they look like fireflies only they burn brighter against the glowing black curtains behind layers and layers of serene clouds above our heads. It was beautiful.
Shinwon looked down, away from the sky from the top of the building, and something stopped him. At the other side of the street, he saw a couple- a gay couple, holding hands and walking side by side, laughing and teasing one another. Their smiles seem to be brighter than all the stars shining from above and seem to light up the whole world with their laughter. And most of all, they seem.....
Shinwon blinked and glanced at Hui beside him, who was looking up at the stars in awe. He looked at the couple again, who were already heading towards a different direction. They were looking at each other like there was no one else in the world that could replace them. He opened his wallet and looked at the photo and lifted his head up to look at Hui and then, he thought of Jinho. How Jinho confessed to Hongseok. How he had gathered up the courage to only get rejected. Of course, Shinwon didn't want that, but he also hated the fact to hide his feelings from Hui. He felt like he was trapped in a dark room with no one and nothing to hold on to, with icy claws digging hard on his heart and pulling him further away. He closed his eyes and imagined them being together. How they could be so happy together. He opened his eyes and looked at the photo again, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and looked at hui, his hands shaking with fear and stammered, 'H-hwitaek...?' Hui turned his head to look at him and asked, 'Yes, Shinwon?' Shinwon gripped the wallet tightly in his hands, he could feel himself sweating in the cool breezy weather. He took a deep breath and forced himself to look at Hui's searching and puzzled eyes and stuttered, 'Hwitaeksshi.... I-I know you may not accept this b-but, i just want to get this off my chest- I-' Then he stopped, not able to finish his sentence. He looked down and shuffled his feet nervously. Confusion clouded Hui's eyes as he spoke, 'It's okay, just tell me,' And before he knew it, Shinwon blurted, 'let's text- i can't say it.'

burgerking: hwitaek-sshi!
hoetwerk: what brat?
burgerking: uhhh... thank you for holding me yesterday-
hoetwerk: yeah, i finally got to see you cry.
burgerking: you scaredy-cat cry all the time. anyways, thank you for hugging me until i can sleep.
hoetwerk: but i can't sleep with you snoring even though i got sleepy. it's really hard for me to get sleepy you know?
burgerking: why didn't you put me down?
hoetwerk: uh- i-
hoetwerk: i don't- want-
burgerking: you serious? you don't want to...?
hoetwerk: i wish i can hold you like that till eternity... sorry, shinwonnie ah, i was too weak. i'm afraid of how people will look at us.
burgerking: give me a second.
so you like me right? hyung, listen.
burgerking: so uhhh- i- fine.
i love your voice, i love your jokes, i love your fashion taste. i love you too hyung. that's what i wanted to say. remember i'll always be here.
hoetwerk: you mean you like like me- like that like- like me back? are you serious?

Shinwon's face turned immediately red as he froze in fear. And they went dead silent. Everything around them seem to stop and a second felt like an eternity. Hui stared at Shinwon for a long time and Shinwon was close to crying, 'Hwitaek, I'm sorry, please don't-' But before he could finish his sentence, Hui, with tears unfriend, had already rushed towards him and suddenly, he felt something warm against his lips. Shocked by what was happening, he took a moment to realise what was going on and instinctively closed his eyes. And he loved it. He loved the way his mouth melted into his. The way their lips fit like two puzzle pieces. His brain lit on fire and the warmth spread throughout his entire body, filling his empty soul with overflowing love. When they broke away after what seemed like ages, he looked at Hui in disbelief, 'Hyung, I-'
'Sh,' Hui replied as he smiled and reached out and took Shinwon's hand. Their fingers locked together as Shinwon let Hui's fingers slip and tighten around his until he could feel his warm palm against his and smiled at him before looking back up at the stars. Shinwon took the time to cast one last look at his wallet and smiled before putting it back in his pocket. Because safely tucked there, was a polaroid photo of shinwon and hui, with their arms on each other's shoulders and smiling and laughing at the camera. And at the bottom, were scribbled black letters written in Shinwon's handwriting,
You. Me. Together. Always.

my personal favourite :,( this is so beautiful- in case no one is aware, there are two authors here, and this is written by the second author Anson- aish i adore her- writings

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