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Or did he?

What they've seen in Jinho's computer, is that how Google cruelly suggesting that a garage or abandoned car wash facility it the best suicidal place. Google pushed him to death, because Google has no responsibilities, nor feelings.

Google is a murderer, they thought.

The sadness has been overwhelming and without further thinking, they were slowly losing sanity. Secretly, deep down, could they be blaming themselves for being such inconsiderate young brothers?

Wooseok, the calmer and youngest one, stepped forward. It was first time for this strong baby to cry since his early years. "Jinho hyung...  once said- he wanted- to- to die somewhere that, means a lot to him, such that- tha- that- the last- thing he,, see would, be memories—"

Trying to break the blue, Yanan stood forward, mumbling with words while sniffing, "Jinhoooo hyu-ngk me- meh- saran-hae-k-" with a small hiccup after his weird pronunciations of words that he was stumbling through.

Not in the mood of trying, they hugged each other and went to the old garage where they filmed Runaway and Naughty Boy. It was their favourite place for filming MVs, as well as their secret hideout.

Jinho's favourite place. His source of laughters.

What they've seen has given them nightmares ever since.

There was a dagger, with deep red blood dried on it and dozens of cutters around. They all seem to be used a few days ago. They weren't dripping bright bibs colours, but the scenery was equally disturbing.

Under the dim lights, they saw that there was a laptop placed on the floor. When they clicked a button, a video was automatically played.

It was Jinho's live cast.

To be more accurate, it's his death livecast.

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