[ e i g h t e e n ]

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Wooseok and Yuto were passing by when Kino and Yanan were confronting each other.

"So why did you even confess in the first days? Didn't you think thoroughly before you confessed? Are you messing around with me?"
" I swear I did like you... Didn't you also kiss Changgu?"
"I did that because you kissed Hongseok!"
"Oh so, you do have feelings for Changgu."
"Maybe, but you also like Hongseok."
" I didn't mean to do that, it was just my instinct, and I just did it naturally because i want him to feel the love."
"This kind of love? Are you joking? He doesn't need these. God, who knows this relationship will be turned out like this after a few days?"
"I'm so sorry Yanan... I promise this is will not happen again... I guess."
"Maybe both of us don't deserve a second chance."
"Yanannie- i'm sorry that i easily feel affectionate for people,, i promise that i'll change-!"

Wooseok and Yuto were hiding somewhere to listen to this BIG TEA, but Wooseok couldn't hide his excitement when he saw the butterfly.

"YUTO!! Look! it's this butterfly again! it's so cute and beautiful!" Yuto looked at Wooseok's direction and saw the glittering butterfly wandering under the sun. Even though they were the "young but mature line" among the boys, they still chased after each other and the butterfly. Everything was perfect for them.

But not for Kino and Yanan.

they looked at the happy couple, and all they saw was them chasing something, but they cannot see it.

something nonexistent. something invisible to them. something that they're missing.

They clearly know that, the butterfly they've seen, was the same one all along as no butterfly, not even one, had ever looked like this.

Looked like a human, with a great sorrowful soul.

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