[ s e v e n ]

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In the video, Jinho hyung's arms were scarred with different marks. There were large and larger cuts, but the iconic whale, the symbol of the challenge, stood out from all other cuts. He picked up the dagger, and before he stabbed it into himself, he smiled and said, "pentagonnies-yah, Jinho hyung loves you all. Knowing you all is the happiest thing in my life, but your Jinho hyung has to go." His eyes were filled with tears, obviously filled with sadness and longingness. Then it was the moment. His right hand, trembling, stabbed into his chest. He opened his mouth as blood was going to coming out, but instead, the screen went pitch black and a website popped out.

It was no ordinary website. It was from the dark web.

Being the brave one, Changgu clicked into the website, believe this will lead them to their hyung. Fortunately and unfortunately, it was really the biggest clue.

Jinho hyung was in a room with bright red lights. Instead of giving of a warm feeling, the overly bright red makes Pentagon to creep out.

Blood, they thought.

Jinho's hands are tied together with thick strings. His eyes are half blinded by some weird plastic. He was locked in the room, and seems to be struggling to get out. He looks so weak and thin, as if he haven't ate for days, even though he barely eat a lot in normal days. He was desperate as he was trying to find out where he was in this hollow but haunting room. He looked at the camera, and whispered, "Pentagonnie-yah, don't watch this. Please go. I know you're watching," Pentagon was shocked. How did Jinho know when did they came and they were watching?

This footage is a live video.
He can see the viewers, just as how the people how caught him here told him his best friend will be watching.

Then the door creaked open. There came a few men, covering their faces with black masks. "Someone paid us to do this," they mumbled, "he paid good prices for us to kidnap this person who almost died." Pentagon soon realized that the wound Jinho made in his body and chest were not well bandaged and they were infected. Flesh could be seen as the skin was being destroyed and wasn't able to recover. His clothes stuck on his wounds, causing flesh to grow with blood, cotton and germs. His white T-shirt was spotted with gushes of red.

Jinho's face was in pain when the men started to whip and and hit him on this scarred body. He had to keep running to mitigate the pain, but that only made his legs to hurt more. He was close to tears, but knowing that his brothers were watching, he didn't scream. He just kept running, until he fell on the ground and wounded his head.

Those men continued to beat him up even thought Jinho was already unconscious. His mouth was overflowing with blood, and his body remained motionless. The men woke him up with buckets of iced water. In extreme pain, Jinho woke slowly opened his eyes and blurted out his last words, "I love you all... there's a note in my computer, don't tell hongseok- hongseok this happened but tell him-" Before he can finish, he was beaten up again and was brought to a tank of boiling water.

They then, drowned him into the water that blistered his white, smooth skin and burned his tissues. It was so hot, that he felt like his throat was on fire.

He was gone at last.
In the most painful ways.

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