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*13/11/2019 14:27*

*Gguggu baby created "without hongseok seokseokseoksksksksk"*

*Hoetwerk, burgerking, Hajimamybaby, Kinyesvation, Youtwoda and Whoopshock has been invited in the group "without hongseok seokseokseoksksksksk"*

*Hoetwerk, burgerking, Hajimamybaby, Kinyesvation, Youtwoda and Whoopshock has joined the group "without hongseok seokseokseoksksksksk"*

hajimamybaby: oh so now you let me back- wait why is the group name sOooooO lame?
burgerking: just look at who created this group and you'll know, he's aka crappy king.
hajimamybaby: wait who created- who's the crappy king-
Kinyesvation: i wanna know too! tell me too shinwon hyung!
burgerking: nvm. you two are the crappiest kings.
Gguggu baby: uGh that isn't the main point! we gotta find Jinho hyung- but i don't really know him as well as you guys, you know- i wasn't in the same high school with y'all
whoopshock: yeah we aLL know you're a latecomer don't have to stress on how left out and socially awkward you are
hoetwerk: dude why are you so meaN
Kinyesvation: shouldn't maknaes be nice just like me? am i a role model, pappi hui?
hoetwerk: yes, my best child!
Gguggu baby: skksks stoP why are you guys like thiS?
burgerking: *plays like this by pentagon*
Youtwoda: yes. focus.
Gguggu baby: thankyou yuto! you're the best maknae ever! okay so, since we have no plans tomorrow, let's go to Jinho Hyung's room and see what do we got-
hoetwerk: let hui the old wise man tell you. Our elder, Jinho was at his parents house a few days ago. We should also search there.
burgerking: *claps hand like a seal* *expands blingbling puppy eyes* wow hyung you're so smart!!!!!! Am I your favorite?
whoopshock: are you okay shinwon hyung? what happened to you are you hacked??? why do you sound like uHHHhhh- whO- someone i can't recall
hoetwerk: i guess you don't realize those actions don't work in messages.
burgerking: *sighs* why-
youtwoda: he just want to be kino and be loved by hui hyung.
burgerking: should i praise you for being young but smart or kill you because you exposed me in front of these low IQ creatures when they can't get it-
youtwoda: neither. it's admiration. i'm smarter than everyone.
*burgerking has left the groupchat*
*whoopshock has left the groupchat*
*hoetwerk has left the groupchat*
*Kinyesvation has left the groupchat*
*Hajimamybaby has left the groupchat*
*Gguggubaby has left the groupchat*

wtf i'm sorry for how lame the jokes are-

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