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Room 662.

He kept running.

Room 663.
Room 664.
Room 665.

He looked further away. The room seems... far, far away, and... unreachable.

Room 666.

He halted to a sudden stop as he panted heavily. His hands on his knees, and bending forward. Air flowed into his lungs as he stopped to catch his breath. He finally gathered up the courage to look up at the door. And immediately, he stepped backwards, his chest still heaving with the effort to breathe and his eyes widened with fright. There were handprints of blood on the blue dusted door and there was a sign of the name 'Red room, keep out'. This is it, thought Hongseok. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath,

For Jinho.
He forgot how dangerous a red room could be, and forgot why it would be

It was made for him, for the crueler truth he has to bare, and the greater consequences.

With trembling hands, he turned the door knob and peered into the dark, cold room. And he couldn't unsee what he saw. Blood on the walls, blood on the floor, blood on the ceiling, blood everywhere. The wall was covered in blood spatters and pitted with holes where the plaster had fallen off. They looked like splashes of rusty old paint, but even though the splatters were dried, and looked old, there was that unmistakable, nauseating, sweet-salt smell of blood. And lying on the floor, was this stiff, motionless heap of blood stained, rotten body, laying there miserably.

Hongseok recognised him in a pang,
Jinho! his mind screamed.

He rushed forward, he kneeled down as his hand fell on his cold skin and the dust around him parted ways for him as they flew up in the air and landed softly on the ground once again. He placed his hand over his chest that does not rise or fall, that contains no beating heart. His tears splashed onto Jinho's bloody clothes and he looked down at his closed eyes - those beautiful deep brown eyes that would never open again. He knew he would never feel the warmth of Jinho's gaze looking at him, like sunshine, bright and warm, would never feel his touch on his skin, playful and purposeful, and would never feel his presence ever again. He put his hands on his face and pet it lightly, his sobs wracking his whole body as he tried to muffle his wails of grief and begs for Jinho to wake up and tell him everything was just a dream.

But Jinho laid cold and still in front of him.
As he looked at Jinho, something caught his attention. He cautiously reached for Jinho's arm and it seems like everything around him stopped. On Jinho's arm, there were scars all over him. Thin and thick, big and small, they were everywhere. But as Hongseok tilted Jinho's arm towards him, he noticed that apart from all the scars on his arm, he made out a deeply scarred marking of a whale. A blue whale. And automatically, his mind gathered every little piece of detail and to his horror, he realised Jinho was playing The Blue Whale Challenge.

The challenge was reported to be an online "suicide game" which set 50 tasks over 50 days and it was also the reason to many deaths all around the world.
Hongseok shook his head.

No, it can't be- He couldn't have did this- He wouldn't- He thought, as he felt the whole world around him crumbling into pieces.

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