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Their relationships aren't public yet. Yet, they're happy. It gives them the only chance to feel a tint of happiness after what happened to Jinho. They are simple-minded, but easily happy.

Then things were different for Hongseok.

hongsnacc: changgu? i think there's a thing that i should tell you,, i went out the other day to find hyung's dead body. i'm sorry i didn't tell you or the others, because i have to go alone,, i know it... then there was this white butterfly, its brown spots on the wings looks like Jinho's eyes... i mean,, i don't know if i'm delusional or what but, they do look similar.

Gguggu baby: wow,, that's deep and,, sure it's okay... we know you need space honkie :,(

hongsnacc: that's not all. the butterfly actually spoke. it said "i will stay by your side", and the voice was hyung's i'm sure. i've never heard such a heavenly sweet voice except from him.

Gguggu baby: huh...? a butterfly talking?

hongsnacc: call me crazy,, but i don't think that the voice is from my mind. it has to be real. it has to.

Gguggu baby: where did you find Jinho hyung?

hongsnacc: somewhere. don't worry,, i can take good care of the whole thing :,)

Gguggu baby: no seokie,, i wanna help- i feel i'm useless as your boyfriend- i know i probably don't mean much to you but please at least let me help?

hongsnacc: ... changgu-ya, what if we were never together,‍ and i accepted Jinho's confession? i mean, you're so perfect and helpful and passionate, i think i don't deserve you... are we really meant to be? could things have ending differently? i sometimes doubt,, that i have always neglected your feelings as a partner-

Gguggu baby: it's okay. i'll give you space and time. it's just... never mind. call me when you need anything, okay?

Hongseok felt like he has grasped on the last bit of hope.

*yourbaby duo chat*
Gguggu baby: yanan- i-
Hajimamybaby: shiet changgu you okay?
Gguggu baby: i'm not- hongseok he- he doubts whether we are a good pair, but it's true that we barely talk, or barely talk as a couple- we act brothers, not a couple that is in love- but i love him so much... he meant the whole universe to me... His bright sparkly eyes, his big smile, and his... kiss... his everything makes me addicted to him.
Hajimamybaby: are you okay? do you need me to talk to him?
Gguggu baby: uh no...?
Hajimamybaby: well then- i guess there's nothing you can do except telling him what you truly thinks. but it's his fault... if he doesn't see how good you are.


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