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He told Changgu about hurting Jinho while leaving out the details. Seeing how Hongseok was worried while being very sick, he was worried.
Slightly panicking, Hongseok placed his phone at the side of his ear and tried calling Jinho multiple times. And each time, he was sent to voicemail-
But one specific call, the last call he made to Jinho, ended quite differently. And it made his pulse beat loudly in his ears, blocking out some muffling sound. Faintly in the background, he heard screaming and struggling sounds. And still processing everything in his mind, he typed frantically:

*11/11/2019 23:49*
Honksnacc: Guys i'm scared-
Hoetwerk: What's wrong?
Honksnacc: I tried calling Jinho, but i can't reach him
Whoopshock: calm down, he knows what he's doing-
Youtwoda: its been an HOUR
Honksnacc: that's not even the main point! he picked up the call once and i heard some kind of weird shrieking noise and the call just ended right then and there- i'm worried that something's happening to him-
Kinyesvation: Oh no :((( What do we do????

Seeing how Hongseok was deeply troubled while sick worried the member a lot.

Gguggu baby: Honkie:,( let us help you to find Jinho! Just take some rest and recover okie?
Honksnacc: No. I have to bare my own consequences, of what i've said. I will do it.
Gguggu baby: But you're making everyone extra worried, just think, our burden will be doubled. Let us do it, please?
Kinyesvation: Yes hyung :( i wanna do this cool investigation!
Hajimamybaby: yeah without you hongseok hyung. But hey, whatever that is, shouldn't he bare his own conseque-
*Hajimamybaby has been kicked out of the group*

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