[ n i n e t e e n ]

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Tears were streaming down Kino's face as his steps thundered along the hallway, his lungs gasping for air but he knew he could never stop, nor look back. Eyes welled with tears, he fumbled for his keys in a fury and bursted into his room and falling onto his bed, crying. His sobs wracked his whole body as his mind whirled with the scenarios that happened with Yanan just now. He felt so guilty, but what's done is done. His mind replayed everything over and over again, making his head roar with guilt. But then there was a knock on the door. Yanan...? His head shot up with a burst of hope, but then his shoulders drooped when he realised who that was. Kino tried to hold in his sniffles as he wiped his tears away with his sleeve as Hongseok slowly crept into the room and sat next to Kino without a single word. No- He couldn't see him crying. It's already embarrassing enough, he couldn't see him cry. Kino tried to hold it all in at once but his chin trembled with the effort and he felt his body gave way. The moment when Kino felt himself crumbling inside, he felt weight on his shoulder. Kino looked up and saw Hongseok's hand and felt his arm pulling him closer as hongseok put his arm around him. Without thinking, he sank into his warm arms and closed his eyes, feeling his warm embrace against him. And it felt.... good. Despite the heaviness in his stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of his body pressed against his. He sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture. His touch made the room warmer somehow, her future within its walls seeming a little less bleak.
Kino buried his head into Hongseok's hoodie and breathed him in. He smelt like warm sunshine on a sunny day and clean clothes hanging from the clothesline. He sniffed and leaned closer to Hongseok and looked at him with teary eyes, still in Hongseok's cocoon. He felt like he was safe within walls, protected, like nothing could ever harm him.
All he could do was try and release his pent up emotions into the darkness. And even that was hard. But he had a feeling he never felt before but at the same time felt so familiar.... And with that, he knew..... he was home.

but hongseok didn't feel the same. he sensed danger from kino, but not only kino, but also yanan. who are they playing as in this drama?

Hui and Shinwon was the last pair to see the butterfly, with Hongseok and Changgu witnessing them. Again, they saw nothing, but to Huiwon, it was like a treasure. No one in the group was a big fan of nature, but weirdly, unnaturally, supernaturally, they all chased after one particular butterfly, as if something was pulling them towards it. That particular one. Fate? destiny? God's willpower? Or someone else? In deep confusion, they called out a meeting to discuss this very important matter.

Gguggu baby: guys! can you guys see a butterfly-??? i've never seen it, but i think some of you guys did?
Honksnacc: the one i mentioned to you? the white and brown spotted one? i've seen it for once.
Whoopshock: oh yes! yuto and i have seen it for a few times in the park! it's so cuTeeeeee-! i mean, not actually.
Kinyesvation: i've seen it once too only. in the park.
burgerking: i never counted so idk...
youtwoda: omg wooseok you're as cute as it ^^
hajimamybaby: just that once, when me and kino were happy-
hoetwerk: wait,, so everyone has seen it in the park?! like me and shinwon were together, kino and yanan were together, so was wooseok and yuto, and we all were in that park, right?
honksnacc: uh no- i guess it's time for me to open up. i've went to find Jinho'a body. At that place, i've seen it, and it was talking to me, at least i think.
Gguggu baby: i've never seen it though.
hoetwerk: well that does sounds like Jinho hyung. it's weird,, it has something special to do with honggu.

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