[ t w e n t y - o n e ]

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"I'm sorry Changgu- i'm so so so glad that i got to see you- you in particular- but i don't have much time- please hear me out and don't interrupt me before i finish." He snapped. He was the sarcastic old daddy like usual. Makes me feel safer with him because i'm pretty sure it's really him. "So what happened?" Curiosity drove me crazy.

"Long story. I bet Hongseok has seen a text of mine from an unknown number, telling me to meet him in the Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, 4th floor, room 666 or he will kill Hongseok. It's not the first message I received from that person. About 50 days ago, counting from the day Hongseok saw the message- 49 days to be precise, before I received those messages from that person, who said he was Hongseok's fan, for the first time. He told me that I have to join the "Blue whale" challenge so that my suicide could look more natural, or else he will harm Hongseok. At the first time, I didn't believe him, and he told me at night someone will beat Hongseok up and his left eye will have a scar of a cross. Hongseok then later came to meet me in dinner, and his whole body was bruised. I was so shocked because if that guy liked Hongseok, why would he hurt him? His left eye was scarred with a cross, as promised. I was so shocked, and I asked him why did he still come. He said it's really dangerous so he can't leave me alone here. He said maybe he get some haters, and he will drag me into this. But no, Hongseok. Even though that guy is a crazy fan of yours and doesn't want to see anyone to like him, I dragged you into this. I did, not you, my dear. It's my fault that I like you. Or else you won't be beaten up." And then he couldn't pull himself together and sobbed. He was obviously still in pain from the scars that was left on him before his death. There were obviously untreated and unattended.

"Then- then... he smiled. I could never forget his smile. His weak, but sunshine-like smile. It was obviously done for me, to lessen my worries, but it was genuine. He tried his best to hide the pain but he was obviously aching. It was so painful for me to watch it, but I played along anyway. Then of course, before that person can threat me and harm Hongseok again, I messaged that unknown number again. I asked him why should I do the blue whale challenge. He said he loved Hongseok a lot. Like a lot, more than we can imagine. He said Hongseok is his and he knew I like him, that's why he told me suicide so that it seems less suspicious to Hongseok. The blue whale challenge is a cover for it." While listening to him, I was awestruck by how this was actually a carefully planned murder.

"Then I started the challenge. The scars hurt so much, but I have to wear long clothes so that you guys will not realize. Some of you asked what's happening with me, and I said I was  sick. At the last day of the challenge, which was to suicide, he told me to go the abandoned garage, the one you guys found- yes, the one where we filmed Runaway and Naughty Boy. I started a live and the computer automatically stored it. I mean when you guys found it it wasn't a live anymore, and I originally want to post it somewhere but the signal there is blocked. He told me stab myself for the suicidal mission, but not exactly in my heart but in my chest so that I won't die and be ready for the next stage and to see me suffering more. I originally didn't want to do it this way and end my life, but then I remembered what happened to Hongseok after I rejected a small demand of his. I did it. I didn't die, as expected, and he told me to go the Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, 4th floor, room 666. I don't know what he's going to do there, but I am very clear of what place is that. For Hongseok's safety, I still went there. They told me that's a live room, and they'll let me live until you guys discovered me and watch the live. It's actually a red room live that's posted on the dark web, and the people behind this can ask the killers and operators of the red room to capture and torture and even kill people as they pleased. I guess the unknown number, which was probably Hongseok's crazy fan, was behind all these. It had been days until you guys come and they barely fed me and let all my scars to burn as they splash dirty water on me. God knows how much it hurts. It has caused so many infection, but somehow I miraculously survived. Maybe my life is left for their beating and whipping later. I guess they wanted me to be tortured more because the crazy fan of Hongseok likes to see me suffer as much as possible. You guys knew what happened later. But then after I died, I woke up again, only to find out that I have become a butterfly. Yes, the white one with two brown spots. I could only be a butterfly as first, but later on when Hongseok came here, I was able to talk. To mumble a few words. He clearly recognized me but was too shock to confirm anything. Then everyone has seen me."

"But why couldn't I see you? And why do they have to be in pairs to see you? I mean, except me and Hongseok..."

"I have tried to observe why is that happening. I then drew a conclusion about  you guys have to be in love, true love-, to see me. Kino and Yanan had seen me for once, but after they started arguing, they found out that they may not be a suitable pair and I naturally disappeared in front of them. I don't think they're having some fake love, but they are just having some arguments that broke their relationship... I guess... Same happens to you... and Hongseok... he has been doubting these days, but you, had been very determined to help and love him... And that's true love. That's why you see me these days while Hongseok stopped seeing me. Changgu-yah, I actually, wish you two the best... Please stay happy forever, because you two are really meant to be- Your looks, your personalities... It was glad to see Hongseok choosing you over me, because I don't think I can do these for him. Good luck... later on."

Yes, Jinho hyung, you can't do what I have done, because you have done better, and way more. "But thank you Changgu... I will see you after a week." "Uhhhh sure, bye hyung?" "I'm so sorry Changgu... I promise everything will be alright." Before I can react, he already vanished out of my sight. By locking me in this park.

a/n: hope y'all still remembered that yeo realized that he's in a parallel space because people disappeared and the sky was spinning- hope i didn't keep my readers from waiting too long- i know the explanation is weird buT ITS NOT ENDING HERE OKAY

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