(REQUEST) (2) (You'll always be ours) (Frye twins X Child! Reader)

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"Ohh (y/n)? Where are you"? Jacob grinned when he heard a small giggle close by. "Hmm... Is she... Under... HERE? Huh... I guess not". From where Jacob was, he heard you giggling from the leaf cart. You held your legs close to you to make yourself smaller and had a very small opening through the leaves to see Jacob looking for you. Jacob tapped his chin and walked closer to the leaf cart. "I guess she's gone. That's fine. But, wait one moment. I don't remember leaving my hat in the leaf cart. I better get it".

Jacob reached his hand in and got a hold of your hand. You squealed to get out of his grasp but he held on firmly. He gently pulled you out and faked gasped when he saw you. "What!? This isn't my hat! (Y/n), did you steal my hat, again"?

"No. I swear". Jacob chuckled to himself and took his hood off and placed you on his head. "Since you lost my hat, you will be my new hat"! You were laughing in delight as Jacob was trying to keep you balanced on his head. "Now I won't lose my hat since it makes noise".

"Put me down"!

"Unless you can locate my old hat, then maybe I'll let this new hat go". Knowing you had no choice, you pointed in the leaf cart and when he put his hand into the leaf cart, low and behold, his hat was there and Jacob smirked at you. He took you off his head and placed his hat on. "Was that so difficult"?


Jacob smiled at you and took your hand. "Come on, I have a surprise for you"! You had an eager smile overtake your face and followed after his long strides. Jacob still had two hours left and decided that he would take you to watch the fight club. Without Evie knowing, that is. As you and Jacob walked along the street, there was a building coming into view that made you very uneasy. You started slowing down and didn't want to keep going forward which instantly caught Jacobs attention. "What's wrong"?

You didn't say anything and just stopped in your tracks and were horrified to remember what this building is. "(Y/n)? What's wrong" Jacob asked as he got down to your height. You slowly pointed to the building and when he saw where were pointing at, he only saw the orphanage that was run by the nuns in London. "Where are you pointing at? The orphanage? Is that where you were staying"?

"Kind of. They were always mean to me so I left". This confused Jacob since the orphanage was run by nuns. Since when are they mean? "How mean"?

"They hit me".

That small statement instantly shattered Jacobs heart. It sounded to unrealistic but considering the state you were in when Jacob and Evie found you in was raising a ton of more questions. You never told them where you living originally because the nuns would try to attempt take you back. "I don't want to go near there". Jacob had a sympathetic look appear and he carefully took you into his arms. "We're only going to walk by, if any try to snatch you, I'll take care of them by putting them underground" he said darkly.

When he started walking closer to the building, you hid your face in his neck to try and hide and so you didn't have to see what was going to happen. Sure enough, a nun was standing outside with a very fake smile but she then saw Jacob walking by with you in his arms. "Your daughter is so cute". Jacob stopped to thank her and you dared yourself to take a peek and saw that it was indeed the same woman who operated the whole orphanage.

Her fake smile vanished and you could feel her anger intensify. "(Y/n)! There you are! We were all worried sick! Come on, you must be hungry"-


Jacob shushed you and took a step back from the nun. "Is what she told me true"?

"What? What did she tell you"-

"Jacob? What's going on" Evie said as she came forward. Jacob kissed your head and passed you off to Evie. "I'll explain later, just take (Y/n) back". Evie saw your scared expressions and felt a bit shocked to hear Jacob talk so coldly. "I wish to see the inside of the orphanage".


"Jacob, what is going on"?

"Just take (Y/n) back. I'll be back later". Jacob shoved past the nun and marched his way into the orphanage and had a very panicked nun follow him in pursuit and a very confused Evie. With no other option, Evie took you back to the train. Meanwhile, Jacob walked inside and at first, everything looked bleak and quiet. As he pressed forward down the hallway, there was a strong and disgusting odor coming from a locked door. "What's in there"?

The nun didn't have an answer and quickly got mad to where she pulled out a dagger and tried to stab Jacob. She was dumb to do that because Jacob immediately countered that attack and held her in a headlock. "That wasn't a smart move. Now tell me before I lose my patience... What is in that room"?

The nun didn't respond. Jacob sighed and he kicked the door open to reveal a horrible sight. The smell was from dead children. So were old and some were unfortunately not new. Jacob was beyond shocked and knew he could do only one thing.

Kill the nun.

He brought his gauntlet up to her neck and let his blade fly out to meet the inside of her throat. She gasped and tried to gasp for breath but she then fell lifeless to the dirty floor. "You will burn in hell for this" he said with grinded teeth and tears in his eyes. Jacob quickly left and notified the police and the public. Why the public? Public influence will help the children get better living conditions and find other suitable candidates to run another orphanage.

After Jacob was finished notifying the police and public, he made it back to the train to see you and Evie reading books. "Jacob"! You jumped into his arms and he then met a very confused Evie. "Are you going to tell me what happened now"?

"It's best not to say in front of her". Jacob sat you on the chair and said, "Wait here, we'll be right back". You nodded your head and took your book back to keep reading. Both twins left and Jacob described the horror he saw and how (y/n) could've been next. Evie was baffled to hear the news and even started to cry. This was horrible. Evie was so upset that Jacob embraced her to make her feel calmer. You took a small peek into the next car and you saw Evies tear stained face, went up to the both of them and hugged their legs.

Jacob smiled and pulled you up from the floor. "(Y/n). I'm so sorry that happened to you. The orphanage" Evie said while sobbing, "Just know..." Evie then tightly embraced Jacob and you, "You'll always be ours". You snuggled up to the both of them and said with a tear coming down your face...

"I love you both".

Author's notes:

Please go read the previous chapter!

Ok, here you go Bek_20. Sorry for the delay. This whole pandemic is a pain in the ass. The only great thing about it is that people have to stay away from me. Before, I hated going anywhere with crowds but now I'm more comfortable because we have social distance ourselves. Yay!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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