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It was 7:00 AM and you were waking up to your usual alarm. But you felt an arm wrapped around you and you knew it was your husband. Let's just say, you and him had a great time last night, if you know what I mean. You practically smashed the snooze button and tried to roll out of bed but Desmond wouldn't let you.

You groaned and tried shoving his arm but he pulled you back saying, "noooo, stay in bed". You laughed and leaned in to kiss him and he kissed back and caressed your cheeks. "Alright dummy, I'm gonna go make breakfast".

He released you and you got out of bed to go to the kitchen to make breakfast. You wanted something sweet, and coated with syrup.


No, they taste weird when you heat them up from when they were in the freezer.

French toast?

Well... no, you were really low on bread and didn't want to run to the grocery store now.


YES! That's perfect!

With a smile on your face, you head to the pantry to grab pancake mix and the necessary ingredients. Eggs, milk, butter, and a hint of cinnamon sugar. That was your secret ingredient. It was always so delicious that Desmond wanted to learn how to cook it but as we all know, he's not the best cook.

You've tried like hell to teach him but for some reason he never caught on. But it didn't bother you. You love cooking so that's a plus for this marriage. But my God, where would Desmond be without you?

Who knows!?

Anyways, the ingredients were pulled out and you heard footsteps and looked over to see Desmond at the bedroom door. He formed a smile when he saw the ingredients. "Your making your world famous pancakes"?

"You know it babe" you said. He threw his hands up in cheer and went over to you and kissed you. "Good morning baby". You laughed said, "good morning babe".

Desmond was usually a tad bit impatient when it came to your cooking because they were that good and he wanted them now. He's like an impatient child if he usually doesn't get what he wants, but that only occurs if it's your cooking or some alone time... if you know what I mean.

"Babe, I have to use the bathroom, watch the pancakes for me". Desmond's heart rate started to speed up and he tried to stop you but you were already gone. He knew he was terrible at cooking so he basically relied on you for food, sometimes. He could just go to a fast food place to get breakfast but let's be honest, no ones in the mood to get breakfast from fast food places because it's way to early in the morning.

UNLESS IT'S STARBUCKS... because I usually need my cold  caramel frappe in the mornings sometimes.

Desmond sighed in defeat and walked to the kitchen to keep an eye on the pan. He examined it carefully to see if anything would happen. The pancakes were making their sizzling noises as usual but his overall fear that he would do something wrong was starting to rise.

The pancakes made a pop sound which startled the hell out of him. His quick and rational thinking were yanked out of reason and he was now grabbing a spatula and tried flipping the pancakes but when he did, he saw that they were still cooking and weren't golden brown.

He started to panic and tried flipping it back but it got worse when he tried and flipped it to hard and it broke into two sloppy uncooked pancake batter. More panic when he decided to turn the heat up to cook it faster.

More panic.

He turned it up so high that it started a fire and he imeaditly tried putting it out. All of this, so you wouldn't get mad at him. He tried like hell to put it but the smoke alarms went off and after ten seconds you came back to the kitchen and saw the most frustrating thing and also maybe a little hilarious.

Desmond stood there covered with pancake batter, and smoke all over. The walls had batter on it and on the floor. The smoke alarms were still going off and he just smiled nervously. You groaned in frustration and went to clear out the smoke so people don't think that your apartments on fire.

"Babe... I'm sorry". He spoke with so much remorse that it made you want to cry but you turned around and ran to him to hug and kissed him. He wasn't expecting that and he just went along with it. "Where would you be without me dummy"? He laughed and kissed you again.


You both jumped at the abrupt knocking and you went over to answer the door to see a couple of your neighbors. "(Y/n), are you and Desmond alright" they asked frantically. You had to remain calm and said, "were fine, but can you do me a favor and watch Desmond for me, I'm going to go grab breakfast from the fast food place".

"Hey, I don't need them watching me" laughed Desmond. You looked back at him and said, "after what you just did, yeah you do". He sighed and went to grab the mop to clean up the mess. "I still love you baby" he said with a smile.

You smiled back. "I love you too dummy".

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go hellisfinedean. This was something I think a lot of people relate to and just the whole scenario of leaving your boyfriend or girlfriend behind unattended when it comes to cooking is hilarious to watch them when they panic about making a grilled cheese. I'm not going to lie, but I suck at cooking and get stressed very easily over small real life situations. But that's a whole different story.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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