(REQUEST) (His love is powerful) (Ezio Auditore X Pregnant! Reader)

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Being pregnant is great but terrible at the same time. It fills you with fear and joy. It's painful and rewarding. Basically, it was only a bit confusing on what you felt during your nine months. The plus side was that you didn't get your menstrual cycle which caused you cramps and the other upside was that your lover would take way more extra care of you. Ezio took so much care of you that it seemed like he wasn't an Assassin at all.

You were by the fireplace relaxing and reading a book. Ezio had to go out to do a mission and you reassured him that you'd be alright. He was thinking about retiring from the brotherhood since he has a child that's soon to make an entrance in this world. He knew that you and now his child were in danger so when new recruits for the brotherhood came, if there were some that weren't out doing missions, two of them would be bodyguards for you and the baby.

While reading, you felt your baby kick. You smiled knowing that he or she was doing fine. You went back to reading, but then felt sharp pains in your abdomen and then felt something warm and wet. You looked down and started to panic knowing that your water just broke. You quickly screamed for help and two of the Assassin novices ran in to see what the problem was. They see that the floor has liquid on it and you holding your large belly in pain. They quickly sprung to action and brought you to the bedroom on the far side of the hideout.

"Quick! Send word to Ezio! Send a pigeon"! One of the novices understood and ran to write a small message and attached it to a pigeon. The Assassin ran outside and said to the small bird, "Fly! Reach Ezio and give him the message"! He released the bird and it flew off as fast as possible. It flew off and went to find Ezio sitting with Leonardo. The pigeon dive bombed Ezio and kept flying around him. Ezio tried pushing and swatting it to go away but he them saw the small message on it. He managed to retrieve the message and it read,


You must come back to the hideout immediately! (Y/n) is in labor! Hurry!"

Ezio dropped the message and whistled for his horse. "What's happening, Ezio"?

"It's (Y/n)! She's about to give birth! Come Leonardo"!

"You want me to come with you" Leonardo asked dumbfounded.

"Yes! Now quickly, get on"! Leonardo hopped onto the horse and they raced off back to the hideout. They ran over people and accidentally ran over Borgia guards. Some raced after them to kill them for doing that and now Ezio had to tale care of them so that way they wouldn't find the hideout. He shot them with his small hidden blade gun and had to cut through the country side and escape into the city.

They were lucky that with all those twist and turns, that they escaped. But now they were further away. They didn't care that people got ran over, Ezio is finally about to become a father and he wouldn't stop for anything. He didn't care about anyone else's problems ir if they were in mortal danger, he had his wife who needed him more than ever. The two men reached the hideout and bursted through the door. Ezio ran to the bedroom and saw a novice Assassin trying to comfort you and a nurse ready to do the task. "My love! I'm here! I'm here"!

You looked over and Ezio who rushed over to you and saw Leonardo who nervously stepped into the room. "Forgive me (Y/n), but Ezio insisted on me having my presence here".

"That's fine" you said through pain and tears, "I'm glad your here". Ezio took a hold of your hand while a nurse was getting ready to tell you what to do. "Alright (Y/n), I need you to push. Remember to breathe and relax". The pain was so unbearable as you pushed and tried to relax but it was difficult. Ezio was so stressed and felt so bad that he couldn't do anything to help with the pain. "Ezio, you can help her by supporting her leg and encouraging her".

Ezio understood and did said tasks. "Look at me bella (beautiful)". You looked at him, fear and tears were painted on your features as Ezio stroked your head to calm your nerves. "I'm here for you. Just breathe". You painfully breathed in and out while pushing with Ezio who was still silently freaking out. Leonardo wanted to help but felt helpless to do so. He did seem to however be analyzing everything he was witnessing.

Another push only brought more pain and your grip tighten on Ezios hand. He cringed in pain since your grip was so tight. You kept pushing and pushing with more tears of pain falling from your eyes. "Push (Y/n) and keep breathing". With all your strength, you kept pushing until you were at the point of feeling like you were about to die. But the pain finally ended when you heard the loud cries of your child. You and Ezio broke into to tears at the sight of your new child and how it was squirming around in the nurses arms.

"It's a boy"!

Ezio was about to sob since he got what he was hoping for. A son. You personally wanted a daughter but nonetheless it was your child. Your child. The nurse carefully handed you your son and you couldn't help the tears that fell from your cheeks. "Ezio, he's beautiful"! Ezio was trying to keep his composure and was trying so hard to not jump for joy so he wouldn't scare the baby. The one thing Ezio couldn't hold himself back from doing was kissing you which relieved your nerves completely.

"Do you want to hold him"? Ezio nodded and gently took the baby from you. His strong arms were as gentle as they could be as he supported his sons extremely fragile head and body. "He's magnificent, my love. Leonardo, come meet your new nephew". Leonardo smiled and walked over to see the very small baby in Ezios arms. The baby slowly opened his eyes and gave mindless looks at the two men. "My figlio (son), padre (father) is here. Meet your uncle, Leonardo".

The baby didn't say anything but stared at Leonardo. Ezio then gently gave the baby to Leonardo. You witnessing this made your heart fill with joy. "Congratulations you two. He's beautiful" the nurse said. Ezio smiled and went over to you to kiss you. "Ti voglio tanto bene, mia bellissima moglie". (I love so much, my beautiful wife).

"ti amo anch'io" ( I love you too) you said with tears in your eyes. Ezio hushed you and encouraged you to rest. You deserve it after bringing your child into this world.

You and Ezios beautiful spawn.

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go Chubb_boi. I have a question for you guys. If you could marry only one Assassin or Templar, who would it be? I'd choose Jacob. He's a total dork... LIKE ME!!! I hope none of you pick Charles Lee. He is a monster! DON'T PICK HIM!!!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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