(SERIES) (1) (Glitch transformation) (All Assassins X Female! Baby! Reader)

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I've said it before, I'll say it again...

Don't judge...

Technology can be unstable and cause some stress if it malfunctions. Like our game consoles. If they freeze, people will have slight panic. Our televisions, people will have the same result. But if our advanced devices sputter and look like they'll explode, then people will definitely panic.

I say people will panic because technology has become a major role for humans such as entertainment, medical studies, providing information, giving encouragement and being able to talk to other people. Unfortunately, when technology glitches, most of the time they can't be explained. It just happens.

But in your problem, it just happened and it can't be explained.

You were with your own animus and during your synchronization with only one of your ancestors, the machine started acting up for no reason. It did something that made no sense and made you disappear. You fell through a portal and felt your whole body changing. It was getting smaller and smaller with your clothes falling off. Your ability to speak and walk vanished and your hair shortened down dramatically.

Your knowledge was still intact but you still couldn't prove that at all. After what felt like forever, you landed on the ground in a clearing in the woods. The ground was uncomfortable for your fragile body and skeleton so as a result, you started to whine and adjust yourself but it was hopeless. You were only covered with your sweat shirt that wrapped you up. No one was around to help you and let alone hear you.

Or at least, that's what you thought.

"How cruel". You looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a tall man with a white hooded outfit and an Assassins symbol on his belt. He had a short and scruffy beard and his skin pigmentation was tan. You couldn't believe who it was. It was Ezio Auditore. Ezio walked to you and put his hand on your forehead and said, "Why would you be abandoned? Your too young to cause problems".

You tried speaking to him but it resulted in you making babbling sounds. It was so frustrating to not be able to speak. Ezio picked you up and held you securely in his arms. He had so much warmth and he gave you comfort so you couldn't help but feel the desire to sleep but there were more important matters at hand. "Don't worry piccolo (little one), I'll help you find your mother".

Ezio was about to look around for clues and heard someone coming up from behind him. He darted around and saw a man that he recognized instantly when he saw the scar on his lip. "Altaïr"!? You looked over and saw that Ezio wasn't hallucinating. Altaïr, one of the master Assassins was back from the dead and looking well.

The Syrian Assassin took out his sword and stood on guard with Ezio. Ezio knew who Altaïr was and didn't know what to do. He knew he couldn't fight him with you present, you're too young to cause any problems. "Stop brother, I'm no threat to you".

"Brother"? Ezio presented the Assassin symbol on his crest and Altaïr knew what it was. Altaïr put his sword away and walked towards Ezio with some remaining concern. That's when he saw the baby in Ezio's arms. "Is this child yours"?

"No, I just found it. I hope to find it's mother". You attempted to talk again but it resulted in you babbling. Altaïr looked at you with his deadly serious face. It was a bit chilling to witness. You reached out to grab Altaïr and got a small hold of his thick and white outfit.

A twig snapped and the two Assassins turned to see another man with a similar outfit but compared to Altaïr's and Ezio's, his looked a little beige and he had a bow on his back and a tomahawk on his side. There was a red tie around his waist and some blue on the flaps of his attire. He seemed to be Native American but it was a bit hard to tell with his hood up. Was it the light? "Who are you" asked Ezio.

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