(REQUEST) (You can change yourself if you join us) (Altaïr X Templar! Reader)

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Assassins and Templars had two different sides to their actions. Templars wanted to cease control on free will and dominate everything, while the Assassins would seek peace and equality among us all. I think you can figure out who's bad and good.

And I'm pretty sure you can figure out what side your on.

Your on the Templars side.

You knew it was the bad guy's side but you had no choice. You were put into the order without your choice. You were held by the neck with a blade to your throat by your father and forced to. That was fifteen years ago and you wished things could be different. You wanted to quit but since you were forced into the order at a young age, your options were limited. If you did leave, you would be killed.

No questions asked.

One particular day, you were told to walk around the town to see any signs of suspicious activity. You were told to be incognito and not get caught. If you did get caught, Robert said you had to get yourself out of that situation yourself. That's unfair but that's what he said and he meant it. You were still patrolling and had to be extra careful.

You had a feeling you were being followed and would always turn around to see only the innocent people doing whatever they were doing. It was unnerving. You kept walking around and then saw smoke surround you. You coughed and coughed and felt strong arms grab you and you were then knocked out. The person who grabbed you then lifted you off your feet and brought you to the Assassins tower.

The one place you were told to stay away from.

You were slapped in the face and you awoke with fear and confusion. There were three Assassin's in front of you and only one was missing an arm. "What's going on"? One of them slapped you in the face and said, "Silence Templar. Your such a fool to come close to our tower and think we wouldn't notice you". He was right and you felt ashamed that you still listened to the Templars even when you knew they're ideas were stupid ones.

"Who sent you"?

"Robert de Sable did. He told me if I didn't come back with information then he would kill me".

"Then maybe we should just do that ourselves". Your eyes went wide in fear but one of the Assassins came forward and said, "Hold on. We can get information on the Templars next move and use her our spy".

"What makes you think we can trust her. She's a Templar, Altaïr". You couldn't believe that you were actually in the presence of Altaïr. The master Assassin who's known as a merciless killer. But if he was considering to let you live, then there were things to reconsider. The Templars must have something wrong. "Appearances can be deceiving. It's clear she doesn't know that she's being used".

"It doesn't matter, she joined our enemies and deserves death. Her body can be sent back as a warning".

"You think this is what I wanted!? NO! I was forced to join since my father was in the order. He said if I didn't join, then I would be murdered! Why do you think I'm here? It's another thing they told me to do or else I die. Do you understand now"? The Assassin's looked at each other and didn't know whether to believe you but after remembering that you were told to linger so close to the Assassin tower.

You had a tear fall from your eye and felt a shiver go up your spine. "Release her". An Assassin came up to you and cut the restraints off your hands and ankles. You stood up but the Assassin with one arm took a hold of your neck and said, "Do not think for a second that we trust you".

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