(REQUEST) (War will not separate us) (Kassandra X Athenian! Reader) (Smut)

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Warning... smut up ahead...

Kassandra was a free spirited person with a ton of strength and compassion underneath that thick skin. She did things her own way and it always worked out. She cared for her allies and made sure they prevailed. Even Herodotus knew she would have better luck in any situation than anyone else. Barnabas was a bit jealous at all her success but he still followed the captain's orders.

Kassandra stood at the top of a cliff with her eagle, Ikaros, resting on her arm. She admired the view that was shown to her and Ikaros. The view was of Greater Athens and even though it wasn't Sparta, Kassandra still admired the scenery. Athenians may be the enemy of Sparta, but they sure as hell knew how to have great architecture.

After awhile of observing the scenery, Kassandra went down to the streets to walk about to see if anything needed her assistance. So far, no one. Kassandra sighed in happiness and just continued her stroll until she came across a familiar face. "Herodotus? What are you doing here"?

"I came here when I heard that Athenian royalty were going to make a public announcement". Kassandra understood and decided to follow Herodotus to listen in on the announcement. Many people were gathered to listen to the, apparently, important announcement that would be made by the king and queen who would also have their daughter present. Kassandra got the best place to stand and observe with Herodotus beside her.

What felt like ten minutes, the king, queen and princess finally came up on the marble stand to speak. "Citizens. We speak to you today to discuss the war and what our plan is in order to keep all of you out of harm's way". Kassandra understood but now, she had a good look at the princess.

Also known as you.

You were the princess of Greater Athens and it couldn't be more difficult. You always wished things were more simpler and not so demanding and stressful but sadly, no. You didn't have to say anything to the citizens but you did have to pay attention, and so you did. "The Spartans are planning an attack on our forces, so as a result, none shall leave the city until this ends. I understand you all may abject to this but it's all for your safety".

You hated this. You liked going out for midnight rides on your horse to the top of nearby hill to gaze at the stars. But now you can't because the city gates are shut. Great. While your father was continuing to speak to the public, you saw a particular person in the crowd. A female misthios (mercenary). She looked amazing.

You couldn't stop looking at her until she laid eyes on you. You both stared at each other until the public announcement had to end. "Thank you all for your attention". Your father nudged you to let you know it was time to depart. You didn't want to take your eyes off of that mercenary but you had to. So you gave her a hand gesture to follow you.

Luckily, she saw that and nodded. You followed your parents back to the big house and said you wanted to be outside for awhile. Your parents understood but sent two guards to be beside you in case of trouble or if you needed anything. The mercenary appeared and the guards already tried to get rid of her. You had to rush down and say, "No, stop. It's ok. I'm allowing her to enter".

The guards understood and allowed her to enter. "Hello".

"Hi. My name's (y/n) and you are..."


"It's nice to meet you Kassandra. What brings you to Greater Athens"? You and Kassandra started to walk by each other through the tree garden. "I'm here just to see if anyone needs assistance". You smiled at her and said, "Well, I'm in need of assistance. Perhaps you can help me".

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