(REQUEST) (From Assassin to Templar) (Shay Cormac X Assassin! Reader)

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"Try and catch me Cormac".

"Your on". Shay ran after you and you started to go up into the trees to have better luck of avoiding him. But nope. Shay caught up to you and tackled you and you both fell to a huge pile of leafs. You both looked at each other and laughed. Shay stood up and offered his hand to you. "Thank you". But you then shoved him in the pile of leafs and ran off smiling.

Shay quickly caught up and tackled you to the ground. "Get off me" you said with a laugh of amusement. Shay didn't get off but kissed you on the lips. "Stop, not now. Liam's coming". Shay quickly got up and helped you up. Liam appeared and saw Shay helping you up. "What happened"?

"We were just having fun is all" you said. Liam rolled his eyes and said, "Let's go, Achilles is waiting for us". You and Shay followed after Liam and went inside the Davenport manor. Hope and Achilles were waiting for you three. They were able to locate a piece of eden and wanted the both of us to retrieve it. The trip took a while but when you both arrived, it was some sort of temple.

"Amazing". Shay laughed and touched the artifact but the whole temple shook and started to fall with the whole city of Lisbon being destroyed.

You and Shay did manage to escape but you got injured on the way out. When you two got back to the boat, Shay was beyond furious. Shay attended to your wounds but couldn't keep his anger in. "How dare he"!?

"Shay, please stop".


"No, I mean stop hurting me. Your making it worse". Shay stopped and looked both ashamed and angry. "I'm going to confront that man when we get back. Until then, get some rest. I'll awake you when we get there". Shay helped you up and brought you to the bed nearby and sat you down on it. The trip would take awhile so you did what Shay requested and went to sleep.

When the ship docked at the homestead harbor, Shay didn't alert you but his heavy footsteps did as he left the ship and went right back to the Davenport manor infuriated and blamed Achilles for the whole incident. He tried to strike Achilles but Liam held him back. Shay was ordered to leave the homestead but he never came back.

Shay didn't even say goodbye to you. Or at least... not yet.

That night, you were lying in your bed awake, missing Shay and hoping he would come back. You then heard your doorknob turn slightly and you closed your eyes quickly because you assumed it was Hope who kept telling you to go to sleep. The door was heard being opened and quiet footsteps were heard coming towards you and a hand was placed on your head. You wanted to open your eyes to see who it was but you wanted the person to think you were sleeping so they wouldn't bother you.

"I'll miss you, my love".

You opened your eyes quickly and saw no one there except you saw the window was opened. You got up to look out the window and heard a shot fired and ran out of the homestead to see what happened to see if everyone was ok. Especially Shay. You got to a cliff side and saw the Assassins standing by.

Hope saw you and quickly tried to get you back inside but you said, "What happened? Where's Shay"? Hope started leading you inside but she then said, "I'm sorry (y/n), he's dead". You stopped and fell to your knees, bawling your heart out. Hope and Liam had to bring you inside to warm you up and comforted you since they knew you loved him.

You cried yourself to sleep that night and could barely bring yourself to carry on. That was awhile ago and you still didn't get over it. But it got worse. Hope, Kesegowaase and Adewale were killed. When you asked who killed them, Achilles didn't answer.

It was confusing. Why weren't you allowed to know?

It's unfair.

Sadly, that was awhile ago too and you still didn't get over the loss of your friends and Shay. You still cried about it to this day. Right now, you were at the harbor to check in at one of the forts. When you arrived, two of the guards allowed you inside and followed you to protect you. Liam assigned that to you for your protection. It was a new rule and you got used to it.

You headed to the the small house in the middle of the fort and you were a bit surprised to see that it was devoided of guards. That, and the fact that there were less guards in the fort, something was going on. "Why are there not that many guards here"? There was no answer. You turned around and saw that your two guards were gone. You looked around and saw the fort was vacant.

You were confused since there were guards all over just a minute ago. You went inside the small house and heard a voice say, "I'm so sorry". You quickly turned around and felt a blade stab you in stomach. You gasped and you fell into your killers arms. You looked to see that it was Shay. "Shay, why? Why would you do this"?

"I'm so sorry (y/n) but I have too". Shay got down to you and held you in his arms. "That's it. That's your answer? You had too? I thought you loved me".

"I do love you, but I could never fight for a creed that wishes to destroy cities. I tried to convince you to come with me the night that we came back from Lisbon but Liam shot me. What did they tell you? That I was dead"?

"Yes. But do you know how difficult it was for me? I never got over it. I thought-". You could feel your time running short and Shay held you securely with a tear coming down his cheek. "I thought... I would never see you again".

"I'm here now, my love. I'm so sorry". You took a hold of his face and kissed him deeply and passionately. Shay had his tears come down his face and they hit your cheeks as he kissed you as well. You both pulled back and you said, "I love you, Shay".

"I love you too, my love". Your time ended and your eyes slowly shut. Shay was now full blown crying and held you tightly. He didn't want to believe he caused this but it was true. He never wanted to do this but since he was a Templar, he had no choice.

The grandmaster might be happy about your death, but Shay will regret doing it for the rest of his life.

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go nanuth. Who else is excited to get Assassins Creed 3 remastered? I'm sooo getting it when it comes out. I'm also excited for the third part of the DLC of Assassins Creed Odyssey. Did anyone else fan girl so hard when we were introduced to Elpidios? I was screaming out of cuteness. No joke, my brother came to my door and asked if I was ok.

You wanna know what I said?

I said this...

"I'm getting new ideas and more inspiration".

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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