(SERIES) (2) (A mercenary and his baby) (My new and only child)

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So far, Alexios was enjoying your company. You were starting to bable more and getting good at grabbing things. You liked to grab Alexios's hair and he would smile at your laughter when he would pretend that it hurt him even though it didn't.

Right now, Alexios was headed back to the ship after killing a cult member named the octopus. He was a sailor and he was strong but not as strong as Alexios. So it was an easy kill. No matter how many people were on the ship. "Where to now, Captain"?

"We sail to Phokis. I must speak with Daphnae about the next animal pelt she wishes to obtain".

"Yes commander". Alexios looked at you and noticed you were reaching up to him with your small hands. He took a hold of them with his massive hand. You smiled and babbled at him. You wanted to talk to him but all he did was kiss your hand. "How's (y/n) treating you so far"?

"She's been a bit of a hassle, but I'm doing well". Alexios kissed your little nose and you let out an adorable squeal of happiness. Barnabas understood and looked at Alexios to see him commanding the ship and you holding onto Alexios's hair. He smiled and started to imagine if he would ever have children of his own. He can picture happiness but he didn't know if he would still be here on the Adrestia or not. Maybe one day.

After awhile of sailing, they docked in Phokis and Alexios looked back and saw Kephallonia. "You know (y/n), that's where I grew up. Kephallonia". He pointed right to it, thinking you were paying attention. "Right there". He looked at you and actually saw you looking over. Maybe you were actually paying attention.

Alexios kept moving but had to stop at a market near the harbor to collect milk and bread for you in case you got hungry. A couple people complemented him and you by saying that you and him were cute together. And they were right. Alexios was doing a wonderful job of looking after you and still maintaining his missions.

He wondered how his mother would react to learn that he took in an infant as his own. Alexios was hoping she would be ok with that. She might disapprove of that since he's a mercenary and always on the road but there was no way he would leave a baby to die in the fire. Alexios may be a misthios but he was kind at heart and wanted to do the right thing.

Alexios was headed up a small mountain but paused to hear low growling noises. He stopped and pulled out his sword and spear. The growling got more intense but then an alpha wolf jumped out of nowhere and tried to attack you and Alexios. Alexios fought and killed the smaller wolves but decided to tame the alpha.

He kicked the alpha wolf in the face and it flew back becoming weak and it whimpered in pain. Alexios put his sword and spear away and approached the wolf. Alexios helped it stand up and said, "Much better as allies". The wolf calmed down and approached Alexios. Alexios got down on his knee and allowed his new animal friend to get a good look at you.

Alexios smiled and said, "Look (y/n). Our new friend". You saw the big wolf and laughed when it started to sniff you. It licked your cheek as a heartwarming way to say hello. You grabbed the wolf's nose and it retracted back so you wouldn't keep doing that. Alexios got back up and whistled for Phobos to show up. Phobos showed up and Alexios got up.

They rode off to the small temple of Artemis and soon saw Daphnae standing and admiring the land. "The pelt from the Kallisto Bear". Alexios took out the large pelt and handed it to Daphnae. "I wish I'd had the chance to see this creature in the wild. It must have been stunning".

"It was, but there are other things on this earth far more beautiful". Daphnae smiled but said, "Like your child". Alexios smiled and said, "Indeed. Her name is (y/n)".

"How is it I've never seen her before"?

"I saved her life from a cultist who also tortured my sister".

"How do you manage with her"?

"I keep her in her carrier and still keep on my journey". Daphnae didn't seem to think that was a good thing. "But your a misthios (mercenary). How is it that she's still alive"?

"I'm a very skilled fighter. My weapons don't come into contact with her and no ones weapons touch her either". Daphnae still wasn't sure about the idea but she can't judge him. "I'll be back when I have more pelts". Alexios then left and decided to head up to Kephisos Spring to watch the sunset. Alexios didn't care about what else he had to do, he wanted to enjoy your company more.

He reached the top of the small waterfall and sat down. His wolf came up and sat down beside him. You looked up at Alexios and he took you out of your carrier. "A beautiful end to a peaceful day". Alexios took out a small bit of bread and fed it to you. The wolf saw the small bit of bread and started to give the begging face. "No, this is (y/n)'s".

The wolf then started to whine. Alexios sighed and tore off a bit of the bread and tossed it up for the wolf to catch. The wolf snatched it and ate it whole. Alexios then heard your laughter and it made him smile. "That bounty is mine"! Alexios quickly moved out of the way to dodge a killing blow from a sword. "Who are you" Alexios asked as he put you back in your carrier.

"I am Exekias the legend. I am also the man who will kill you, your wolf and your child". Alexios got into his warrior stance and said, "You won't even lay a single touch on her or my animal when I kill you".

Exekias laughed and said, "We shall see". Alexios charged at him and slashed his sword and spear. Exekias tried hitting Alexios but he dodged and the wolf bit Exekias in the leg. Exekias swung his sword and almost hit the wolf in the face but Alexios blocked it and then stabbed him in the face. Exekias dropped his weapon and fell lifelessly.

Alexios quickly took you back out and examined you to make sure you didn't get hit. Thankfully, you weren't but Alexios started to think more about the idea of having you around or the idea with you staying with the crew. He sat back down and started to think about it more.

"Am I putting her in danger or keeping my promise"?

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go HannahPuno. This could have a part three, but I'm leaving that up to the person who requested this part two. I also wish to apologize for the slow updates. These things take time but don't worry, I'm not abandoning this.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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