"I'm ready. But, I have to make this thing beautiful for him. And i can't do that alone."

"Where do you want to propose to him? And when?", Yoongi asked.

"I wanted to do it tonight. But, I don't have a place. And i wanted to get things set up."

"What about that walk 'round place that you would talk about? There's fireworks over there.", Namjoon suggested.

"Yes! You're amazing Joon. Ok, since there's going to be fireworks, that's going to make it even more amazing."

"Ok, i'm really good with this kind of stuff. Hear me out. So, we buy a lot of roses. Sprinkle them in front of the rail thing and make them into a heart. We blindfold Tae, and he has no idea where we're at. We place him inside the heart. We get a lot of people. Um, also, random people around. Oh! And we can get balloons and hand them to the people and have them kind of circle around us. We take off the blindfold and let him sink it in. You come out from the crowd and say blah blah blah, propose, and bam, the fireworks.", Jimin grinned and we started at him, shocked.

"What? You guys know me by now to know I love proposals."

"Noted.", Yoongi held his hand and Chim blushed.

"Jimin, that's perfect. Thanks!", I patted his shoulder.

"Show us the ring.", Jin whispered.

I pulled out a black box in the back of my pocket and opened it, revealing the diamond ring.

"Damn. Can i marry you?", Hoseok joked and I rolled my eyes.

"That's beautiful.", Namjoon complimented.

"Thanks. Tae doesn't have a clue. We have never talked about marriage. So, this is going to go well.", I put the ring back in my pocket.

"We need to go to the store. Me and Jin will go. I feel we're the experts on this.", Jimin looked at Jin who gave him an approving nod.

"Wow, what about your man?", Yoongi pouted.

"I'm sorry babe, but this is important business. My best friend is about to get engaged.", Jimin responded.

"We'll start setting up over there when it's getting close to dark. Don't tell Tae anything. You guys are good at lying, I know you are. Let's go.", I opened the meeting door and we walked back in the living room to see Taehyung sprawled out on the couch.

"What were y'all talking about?", he sat up and pouted.

"Nothing.", Jimin grabbed the keys and Jin followed.

"Where are you two going?", he asked and they both looked at me.

"We're going to get some chocolate.", Jin answered.

"I wanna come!", Tae said.

"Um, it's a special kind! Bye!", Jimin hurriedly closed the door after them and Tae huffed.

"Why are you guys being so secretive? Gguk?", he looked at me and I kissed his cheek.

"It's nothing important. It's ok."

I got a text from Jimin saying,

We got you a tux!

I groaned,


You have to look nice dip dick, Jimin responded and I closed my phone.

Eventually, we convinced Tae to stay home so we could go set up at Walk 'Round. It was not easy. We had to explain that what we're going is a 6 man job.

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