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Jungkook walked up the stairs after exiting the living room, it was not his first round to look after Yoonah. First it was Hoseok, then it was Jimin, and now it's Jungkook's turn.

Going down the hallway to her room. His mind racing around at the thought of her. The last time he saw her was the night of the even, passed out.

Freezing outside her door at the sound of someone groaning in pain.

Jungkook pushed the already opened door even more, seeing her struggle as she sat up. Her hair was messy, clothes wrinkled.

A small bandage on her cheek and jaw.

She was wearing a simple black tank top, visibly showing her large bandage on her left shoulder.

"Yoonah." Jungkook's voice was barely audible, her eyes darting to his.

A wide grin on her lips as she reached out to him, only to wince form the pain.

He held his hand up, telling her to wait as he ran back to the stairs, calling out to the other two males.

"Yah! Hyungs! Yoonah's awake!" He shouted before running back to her room. Going around the other side of the bed. Gently sitting down beside her. The bed slightly sinking from his weight.

The sound of footsteps came rushing their way as Yoonah carefully inched closer to him. Laying her head on his shoulder as their fingers intertwined.

Just then, Jimin and Hoseok busted into the room. Hoseok looking as if he was about to cry while Jimin had a mixed expression.

Her smile widened even more, if even possible at this point. Genuine happiness spreading all over her face.

Hoseok carefully sat in front of her, Jimin sitting on her left which was in front of Jungkook.

But her smile turned into a frown as she noticed something.

"Where are the others? Where's my brother?" Jungkook placed his hand on her back, trying to get her to calm down.

"We don't know yet." Jimin answered.

"So, why aren't we looking for them?" She asked.

"We were told to stay here with you." Said Hoseok. "

"By who?"

Jungkook decided to answer. "By your mother."


He walked up the steps leading to the house he never thought he would see again.

Seokjin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Mason stood closely behind Taehyung as he knocked on the dark wood door. Impatiently waiting as he heard the familiar male shout "Hold on!" from inside.

The door opened. Park Jimin stood in front of the five hybrids. His blank face turning into a smile as he pulled the door open even more. Some how managing to grab ahold of all five of them before closing the door and engulfing them in a warm hug.

Taehyung pat him on the back as he let go.

"She's up stairs." Was all he said as he then looked down at the little boy, smiling and talking to him, getting to know him.

Taehyung understood who he was talking about as he picked up her scent. Running up the stairs without waiting for the other member as they called out to him.

He ran down the hall, following her scent trail. Stopping in front of the bedroom entrance. Jungkook has his arm wrapped around Yoonah's waist. Hoseok was sitting in front of her, making funny faces that her laugh, the whole scene warmed his heart.

The three of them turned and looked at him. His eyes watering at the sight of his sister. Batted and bruised. Bandage after bandage. And he blamed it on. He thought that maybe if he was a better brother, he could of done a better job at protecting her.

"Taehyung." Her voice cracked.

Taehyung walked into the room, making his way to the bed. Hoseok moving over so Taehyung could sit in front of her. Jungkook taking away his arm as she leaned forward, wrapping her uninjured arm around Taehyung's neck. Her tears staining his shirt.

"You're okay." She breathed out.

After a minute, they pulled away.

"Why do you look like shit?" She asked, him issuing out a chuckle as he answered.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because I walked through a forest the whole night. Why do you look like shit?" He asked in return.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because I got into a fight and then went unconscious."

He looked at her confused, not expecting that kind of answer.

"Fight? Unconscious? What the hell happened?" He looked at her, then at Jungkook, then Hoseok, then right back to his sister.

"Well explain everything once Ms. Kim gets back." Jungkook said.

"Why isn't she here in the first place?" Taehyung questioned.

"Her and her men went to save a panther hybrid from Chris's men." Hoseok answered.

"What's the hybrids name?"



Word Count: 816

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Mrs. Kim



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