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Yoonah turned a corridor. Flying past security guards as she tried to out run Devin.

"Yoonah, stop!!" He shouted, quickly gaining on her. But she wouldn't stop. She couldn't stop knowing that these people treated hybrids, let alone kids, like this.

Her eyes glowed fiercely, speed accelerating even more. Surprising not only herself, but the boy, and Devin.

Hearing Devin starting to slow his pace, growing tired. While the adrenaline pulsing through her wouldn't slow down. She didn't feel even the slightest bit tired.

Going in the direction of her room. For normal people, they probably wouldn't go there first, but that's the only place she could get to... safely that is.

Far behind her, she could hear Devin talking to someone.

"We're going to need to bring the other two just in case." Was all she heard before turning another corner, running straight to her room.

Swiftly using one hand to open the door and slam it close behind her, causing the little boy to flinch from the noise.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

Walking over to the bed, seating him down. His cheeks stained a light pink from the crying he's done.

Yoonah turned around and walked over to the door, locking it before heading back over to the boy. Crouching down in front of him. Holding his small little hands in hers. Rubbing soft circles on them. 

"What's your name?" She asked in a soothing tone. Him looking up at her with innocence filled in those soft brown eyes.

"M-Mason." He said barely above a whisper.

"How old are you Mason?"

"Five... why did you help me?" He questioned.

"Because you don't deserve to be treated that way. No one does. What these people do is far from okay." She let go of one of his heads, rubbing his head.

"What's your name?"


"Will you be my friend?"

"Of course sweetie." She smiled at the boy. His face brightening up with pure joy and excitement.

"Mason, what type of hybrid are you?"

"I'm a chocolate Labrador." His tail wagged behind him. "What about you?" He asked.

"I'm a black panther." She said. His face growing from excitement to shock then excitement all over again. The whole thing melting Yoonah's heart.

How can he be so cute!?

Yoonah stood up and sat on the bed beside him. The two continuing to have a conversation with each other. Her getting to know the little guy.

The special moment was soon interrupted by the bedroom being unlocked. The sound of keys jiggling before the door was pushing open by a grumpy Christopher.

She got up and stood in front of Mason protectively.

"Yoonah-" Christopher began as he closed the door, his eyes not leaving hers, but she interrupter him.

"They were hurting him Christopher. Did you know your lab workers abuse them!? Especially the kids!! He's an innocent little boy! Did you honestly expect me to just leave him there!?" She shouted, Mason's hand gripping hers as he flinched from her tone.

Chris sighed, running his hand through his hair. Yoonah used to find that attractive, but now it's just an annoying habit of his.

"I'll talk to them about it then. But he needs to go back to his room."

"Room? Room!? That's not a goddamn room! That's a prison cell!"

"You need to calm down." He stalked towards her.

"Don't tell me to calm down." She growled.

"I said I would talk to them. Understood? Now, be a good girl and wait for the maid to stop by and help you get ready." He said before leaning towards her ear. "Don't fuck up again." He hissed, moving away as she gave him a death glare.

He gently took the boy by the hand, them exiting the room. She noticed how Chris was limping. Probably still in pain from when she kicked him. Them leaving her alone.

She wanted knowing more than to punch in the face. But then again, she didn't want him to do something to the guys or Mason just because she let her anger get the best of her.

Yoonah sat on the bed. Crossing her arms over her chest as she stared the wall, looking slightly above to TV, in which she could never find the remote to it.

Can this day get any worse?

That's when there was a knock on the door and in walked a maid.


Word Count: 739

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