6| One Step Closer

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Sam still felt out of breath

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Sam still felt out of breath. Her implication of an unexpected make-out session wasn't just that. She meant she didn't expect him. To feel this way, to let herself go. It felt very strange for her, and perhaps new. Not just because he was a new person in her life, but because she never sensed this way before. She blamed it on the hangover.

"I'm hungry, I was planning to make some lasagna today," Samantha said. She had to keep herself occupied because she kept thinking. I would like to fuck him on this couch.

To be fair, her sex life was non-existent for the last six months, so the make-out session wasn't something she did often. Cooking seemed a non-sexual act, so that appeared a brilliant excuse for her.

"Can I help with that?" Ray beamed. "Although I'm not very good at cooking."

"So why did you offer to help?" Sam asked with laughter.

"It's a polite thing to do," he answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"Then I will make the food, and you can tell me more about Europe," she suggested, raising her eyebrow with hope in her eyes. Ray nodded, agreeing with her idea.

They moved to the kitchen area. Sam took out ingredients and dishes for the meal preparation. Ray squatted on a stool facing the kitchen island in front of her.

"So what is your favorite country in Europe?" Sam asked, cutting the onion.

"It's difficult to pick, every country has perks and it is fascinating in some ways," Ray said. "Netherlands and France would be my top picks, probably."

"France," she whispered.

"Have you ever been there?" Ray asked.

"No, but I always wanted to go," she answered, dropping onion pieces into a bowl. "I was supposed to go last summer, but my plans got postponed," she continued, putting a cutting board to the sink. "I might go this year."

"I actually will go to France in three weeks," he said. Sam raised her eyebrow in response. "We start our European tour there."


She felt saddened by the news. Raymond going on tour meant she might not have time to know him better, and so far she felt very intrigued by him. He watched as she cut the vegetables. And both of them enjoyed the music, and small talk while Sam finished preparing food. As she put the meal into the oven, Samantha joined Ray and sat on the stool.

"Speaking of your band," Sam started. "There were two songs I had never heard before."

"We're recording a third album," he said, proudly. "They will be there, one of them I will start to record today, actually." He glanced at his phone. "I have time though."

"And you will include those songs in a new tour?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered with a nod. "My brother takes care of set, usually."

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