Taeyong's thighs (part one)Jaeyong

Start from the beginning

"Ten, I don't know what to do. I'm so in love with Jaehyun and Doyoung who was my date tonight told me I should tell him and what if it makes him hate me?" Ten just laughs at his friends ridiculousness and rolls his eyes. He's already been on the phone with his boyfriend Johnny so he knows exactly how Jaehyun feels but he knows it's also not his place to tell.
"Ok first of all we will discuss this date thing another time, right now we have more important things to talk about.
Honey, he can't keep his hands or his eyes off of you. He's always there for you when you need him and has he ever dated anyone? I mean literally anyone? You guys have known each other since elementary school, how many dates has he been on?" Taeyong is shocked because he's never thought about that. Jaehyun is always around and never lets him get hurt.
"He touches you all the time, there is never a time I see you two together that he isn't touching you. Why do you think that is?" He questions a dumbfounded Taeyong.
"Ask him, it's because he loves you and also I'm sure he wants you pretty bad too. He has been basically saving himself for you." Taeyong takes his leave, he decides to walk around to think about all this new information before going home.

Jaehyun looks at the clock on the wall and crumbles. It's 12:30, he really hopes Taeyong is ok, he's always home by 10 pm. They joke about the curfew but they put it in place because Jaehyun worries about the other when he's late.
He sits on the couch, waiting. He doesn't know if he should call the other because he did have a date. They could be just talking, or worse. He sits silently staring at the door wiping tears from his eyes as he fears that he truly has lost Taeyong. He was just about to break down and call the other when Taeyong walked in with his head down, Jaehyun just watched him until he looked up.
"I-I was worried about you since you didn't text so I sat here. Um I'll just be going t-to bed now." Jaehyun doesn't know why he can't talk without stuttering and the fact that Taeyong remains silent with his head down scares him.
"You are ok right?" He asks and just Taeyong nods wordlessly as Jaehyun walks to his room.
Taeyong falls onto the spot that Jaehyun was sitting and smells the blanket he was cuddled in before getting up the nerve to go to him.
When he opens the door Jaehyun is sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands, eyes puffy, hair a mess, and he's sniffling.
"Is it true?" Taeyong asks quietly. Jaehyun looks up, confused.
"I don't know what you mean?" Taeyong walks forward sitting on Jaehyun's lap wrapping his legs around his waist to stare him in the eyes. Jaehyun's hands immediately went to his thighs not even thinking twice about it.
"Are we friends?" Taeyong asks which surprises the other, but he answers none the less.
With his hands softly touching Taeyong where ever he can,he finds just enough courage.
"Whenever I'm away from you I feel lost but when we're together no matter where, I'm home." Taeyong starts to tear up listening.
"Why do you touch me so much?" Jaehyun chuckles.
"A few reasons. One, i love the feel of your skin on my fingertips." The sensual way that sounds has Taeyong feeling some sort of way.
"Two, just to make sure you're real, because every time I'm with you I feel like I have to be dreaming.
And three is so I know that even if only in my imagination, while your in my hands you're mine." Taeyong can't breath, can this be real? Could his long time unrequited love have been his all along.
"Do you love me?" He asks quivering from fear that the answer would be no.
"More than anything, for as long as I've known you and until I die." Taeyong inhales sharply as the tears start to pour out uncontrollably, Jaehyun feels the need to back off a little.
"I'm sorry, if this is not what you want to hear but I just have to be honest and..." the rest of his words are muffled by the fact that Taeyong's lips are now attached to his.
The kiss starts out sweet and full of nothing but love, but when their hands begin to roam each other's bodies and tongues get involved it's turned up a notch. When they finally break apart, foreheads touching, panting for air, looking in each other's eyes it's one of the sweetest moments they've had until...
Taeyong hits him on the chest, it's pretty weak but it was meant as an attention getter not to inflict pain.
"Why did you let me go on a date with him?" Jaehyun is still recovering from their little make out session but finds it in him to respond.
"I was scared to admit to you how I felt, I didn't want to mess up what we have. I wanted you to feel the same for me and was hoping you would tell me first or at least give me clues that it was ok." Taeyong smiles at Jaehyun and kisses his lips.
"I'm sorry, I thought you would have noticed certain things and since you didn't, I didn't think you liked me so I figured I shouldn't pursue you.
God, I've loved you forever, I know I could never live without you." Jaehyun hugs him with all he has, both are so relieved to get this out in the open. After a few sweet moments Jaehyun has to ask some questions of his own.
"So what exactly did you do that I missed?" Taeyong hums as he buries his face in Jaehyun's neck.
"It's a little embarrassing but when you touch me in certain places like my thighs I would get turned on. I used to run off and try to get rid of my problem but after a while I would just enjoy the moment and hope you never noticed." He can feel his cheeks are now a hundred degrees hotter than before so he stays where he is at.
"So you like when I do this?" He says putting his hands inside the rips in his jeans and gently touching his skin. Taeyong can only nod, mostly because he's embarrassed by the story he just told but coming in close second is the fact that he's really turned on now.
"It's ok Taeyong I'm just glad you never noticed my boners that I would get almost every time you would sit on my lap." Taeyong giggles.
"I did feel one on occasion but I didn't think it would be for me." Jaehyun tisks.
"I think we were both pretty blind but I'm glad we know now. So will you do me the honor of going on a date with me tomorrow?" Taeyong smiles as big as his face will let him and nods.
"Of course. I'm really tired though, we should sleep now." He says yawning.
"Yes of course baby, will you sleep in here with me tonight? I missed you too much and want you near me." Taeyong nuzzled into his neck and kisses it.
"Of course I will." He goes into his room and changes into his bed clothes before crawling under the blanket on Jaehyun's bed and curling into his side.
"Sweet dreams my love." Jaehyun said holding Taeyong as tight to him as he possibly can.

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