"We could play Pictionary." Jimin offers.

"Do we have markers and a big enough tablet of paper? An easel?"

"No, but I have an idea. Hold on a second." Jungkook replies.

I almost complain when he snags my keycard and exits the room. Then I find myself shrugging. This way I don't have to get up. I unintentionally snuggle down into Yoongi more and am even more surprised to feel a chuckle reverberate in his chest. "What? You're comfy." I whisper to him.

That just makes him chuckle more. "I'm glad you think so."

It's about fifteen minutes or more before Jungkook comes back. He walks over to me and pulls me from Yoongi's lap, which I promptly frown at, and hands me my keycard. "Come on. Let's go."

"Where are we going? It's still in the hotel right? Do we need masks?" I ask him my questions in rapid succession. His hand weaves through mine, and I get another happy thrill run through me.

"We won't be seen. Han-bin and the rest of security will take care of that. Plus we won't be in the public areas long." He heads to an area on our floor I haven't seen before. Han-bin is there waiting with a key to the...employee elevator?

We have to go down in two separate groups. There is just too many of us to fit in one trip. I am in the second group, but I find the first is waiting for us and more of the security team is already here too. We are escorted through the kitchen and back hallways until we get to a door I would swear would lead to an office. When it opens and I walk in, I realize I am not too far off the mark. It's a conference room, with a whiteboard. Well, this will definitely work.

"Han-bin has found a word generator and will prompt us with what we are drawing." Jungkook smirks. "So that means there will be even teams."

There way of picking captains if is of course rock, paper, scissors which I have and always will suck at. So of course I get eliminated in the first round. Jungkook and Hobi end up the last two standing so they play one more round to determine who chooses their first team mate. When Hobi wins I expect him to pick me first just so I am on his team but he shocks me and picks Tae. So I end up on Jungkook's team instead as his first pick. In the end I'm teamed up with Suga and Jin with Jungkook of course being the team leader.

Hobi pulls me aside, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, before we split off and whispers to me. "Aside from Jungkookie, Jiminie and Taehyungie are the best artists. I play to win, Daisy-Daze."

"Best artist doesn't always equal best at Pictionary. Sometimes it's about getting the point across more quickly. It's your loss that you don't get to hold my hand while we guess." I smirk at him before pulling away and grabbing Jin's and Yoongi's hands while Jungkook takes the first turn since he lost first team pick.

Jungkook draws a quick impressive rodent with a chef hat on and I immediately guess, "Ratatouille."

Hobi draws a box with... That's a neck I think and large googly eyes. Oh, I know what it is. Time runs out for their team, and I ask a question before he can blurt out the answer. "Do we get a chance to steal if they don't guess?"

Han-bin realizes that because he has been giving us our clues that he is also acting as referee. He pauses to think it over before nodding. "Wall-E"


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Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now