Frost and Fire | Levi

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I watched Dad as he trained Sven, yelling instructions on how he should keep his stance while throwing a punch or kicking. He was teaching him mixed martial arts, after teaching him boxing for six years.

Then turned my eyes to Mom who was running, and increasing her speed by each passing second on the treadmill. I kept my eyes trained on her as she lifted herself from the ramp and stood on the side of the ramp breathing heavily.

Elise and Elite were doing laps in the pool. I smiled to myself as I watched them doing butterfly stroke in sync. These two angels are only six, but ready to conquer the world. Thanks to our parents.

We have the best parents, literally. They are our mentors, our coaches, our teachers, our everything. But before all that, they are our friends.

I owe them my life. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be where I am right now. Probably I would be still rotting somewhere in the streets of Venezuela.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Mom asked taking a seat beside me.

I grabbed a towel and a protein bar from the rack beside me and handed her, "Just how amazing these two angels are," I said pointing the twins.

"I know right?" She laughed, "Only six, but have the sass and the attitude of sixteen,"

"Hey, momma! We can hear you!" Elise yelled pulling herself up from the water.

"I know!" Mom retorted

I shook my head at them and got up walking toward the pool. I pulled her and Elite out of the pool, knowing they couldn't do it on their own and didn't like to climb the ladder.

"Ew, eres sweaty," both of them said in unison scrunching up their nose.

"Gracias por decir lo obvio, princesas," I replied in Spanish.

They ran to the racks and started munching down a protein bar immediately, Mom shook her head and wrapped a towel around them. Dad and Sven followed soon.

This was the normal morning in the Finch Household. We all woke up at five in the morning, and the first thing we did is come up here to the gym. After burning calories, we all sat on the couch or dining table and had breakfast together.

No matter how busy we are, we always have breakfast together. Without exception. We aren't obligated to work out with them at five in the morning, but it's fun working out with mom and dad.

Always competing who can flex better. Always throwing comments at each other, mocking and helping each other when one can't do a thing or an exercise right. They are a sight no one would want to miss.

My parents, my two little sisters and my brother are the best things in my world. They are my ray of sunshine, they are the only thing that has me going ahead. They are the only motivation I have to wake up in the morning and put on my best face and get through the day as if my world hasn't been falling apart slowly. As if my past is letting me live at an ease.

"Man, I'm starving," Sven groaned

"Go shower, breakfast will be ready when you're done," Dad said, "You guys too," he looked at me and the twins.

Elise climbed on my left arm while Elite on my right, both giving me a cheeky smile. "Levi, the best brother in the world," Elite said in the sweetest voice.

"Our favorite person," Elise followed

"I know, I know. No need to sugar coat me, I take you guys downstairs every day, anyway," I said annoyingly but smiling nonetheless.

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