33 | I need you

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"What's the surprise?" I asked Harvey for the billionth time since he told me there was a surprise for me, and that was just an hour ago while we were having breakfast together.

And for the millionth time, he ignored me. I swear I was about to rip his hair out and smash his head on the wall beside because that annoyed the crap out of me.

"I'll see you later," he said and walked away with that stupid smirk on his stupid ass face.

"Go to your first class, your surprise is waiting for you there," Iris chirped before following Harvey to their class.

"How come you know about it and I don't?" I yelled after her, she turned around with an evil smirk and shrugged walking backward.

"Damn you both!" I yelled at them before turning on my heels and making my way to my first class with a deep frown on my face.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I see certain someone talking to Adrián Plaza, the best football (not American football) player of the school.

What is he doing here?

Shut up. You didn't see him for a week, just go and kiss the hell out of him.

As if he read my mind, he turned and looked dead in my eyes as he got up and ran to me. I met him halfway and threw myself on him, kissing him.

It was passionate and needy, I could feel how much he missed me, how much he needed me. As if, through the kiss, he was telling me that.

His hands came up and caressed my face as we pulled away, but still, our foreheads touching.

"Raiden," I whispered

"I missed you," he said still holding my face in his hands, gently.

"Me too, Raiden, me too," I managed to get out because the look on his face and those beautiful grey eyes of his were so deep that it made me go weak on knees.

If he wasn't holding me tight, I would have crumbled on the floor.

"Get a room!" Someone snickered making me snap out of it.

I didn't realize we were in the class. With the amount of attention, I was getting, my face grew redder with each second passed.

"Come on," Raiden led me to a seat, just before the teacher comes in and starts the class.

I couldn't pay attention because of Raiden. What was he doing here? He had to go to Washington to visit his grandfather as a family emergency.

Something about him being sick and he wanted to make changes in his will and wanted his grandson to be there for him.

Raiden loves his grandfather with his whole heart, he left everything in an instant and caught the next flight to Washington.

Not before apologizing to me for leaving just like that, and kissing me more times than I can count so I can remember it for the days he wasn't here.

When he did things like this, it made me want to fall in love with him.

He called me every night before going to bed and we fell asleep listening to each other talk, some days we would just stay silent, listening to other's steady breathing like a lullaby.

"You okay, baby?" Raiden nudged me breaking the train of my thoughts and brought me back to the present.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled then it turned into a smirk when my mind registered what he said.


"Baby, huh?" I asked him playfully

"Hmm, so?" He shrugged

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