25 | Stay at Fletchers'

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this is archer's room. idk why i put it here, but whatever. 

* * *

"I hear Patrick lied for you?" My father said, sitting beside my mother.

I guess she must have filled him in about the situation.

"That's not the point, father. I want to go on a road trip with my friends," I said, keeping my calm.

"No," he said halfway to my sentence, not even letting me finish it.

"Just hear me out, Mr. Fletcher, please," Archer started

"And who you might be," My father glared him mostly because he had his arm around my shoulder.

"Archer Finch," He nodded

My father's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. I raised a brow at him as if to ask what's wrong. He shook his head.

"Are you by any chance relate to Rosen Finch?" He asked

Archer got tense beside me, and as if it was an instinct, he pulled me closer at his side. "He's my father," he said tightly

I didn't know how my father knew about his father.

"Interesting," he nodded. I don't understand what he found interesting in this situation. But then, I didn't understand my father at all.

Archer was too tense to speak calmly and convince right now.

"Sir, I am Harvey Costa," he started "Please let her come with us. I swear we will take care of her, how can we not? She's our little one,"

"Oh, I'm sure she can take care of herself. But that's not the point. The point is that girls aren't supposed to go out without their parents. So AJ is not going, and I appreciate your concern," my father stated

"No offense, sir, but if girls aren't supposed to go out without their parents even when they are 18, then I guess the boy isn't either. Then how come you've let Patrick go?" Harvey said

"Patrick is a boy, he can do whatever he wants. AJ is a girl, and she has to follow our rules or the world will eat her alive," he told us

"Don't you have a little faith in me, father? Don't you trust me? At least believe me when I say I can handle myself," I said quietly

"I don't, that's why you are not going. And you brought two boys at my house, that just proves that I can't trust you with yourself," he smiled sadly, but there was something in his expression, I can't understand. Hell, I never understand him.

But I'm sure he was anything but sad, right. Furious, angry, he may be, but definitely not sad.

And his words, those hit right on the nerve. Right in my heart. And damn, that hurt like a bitch. I felt eyes getting wet, but I refused to let my tears flow.

"They're-" I started, but a furious Raiden cut me off

"Enough, Arianna," he said sternly, "You have been trying to prove yourself your whole life, trying to fit in, trying to make them happy. Never putting yourself before them and their wishes. That's enough, Aria. You should have learned that your parents aren't going to understand you or even try to. Because their beliefs are so much more important than their daughter," he was looking dead in my father's eyes as he spoke.


"Shut up, Raiden," I whispered "That was a low blow,"

He turned to look at me with an expression that said, 'Are you fucking crazy?' But he didn't say anymore.

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