39 | Distant and graduated

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"Iris, don't you think this is too much for graduation?" I asked eyeing myself in the mirror.

It's a short navy blue dress, the two thin straps hug my neck, showing off my bare shoulders, and the toned back. It's simple and plain, the only other color and texture on it was the small silver lace belt around the waist. It reached over my thighs, making it nor too long, or too short.

I don't usually wear dresses, so this is a big deal for me. And I still think it's too much for graduation. Hell, we didn't even go to prom just so we could avoid all that drama.

What's the big deal?

If it were in my hands, I would just tell them to mail me the diploma and get over with it. Why all this fuss with dresses and all? It would be a lot easier, that way.

"Arianna, we already talked about this. It's perfect for graduation, besides, you look hot!" She practically squealed.

"Yeah, right," I snorted but my lips twitched upward a little.

"Come on, you've got to admit it, you do look good," She punched my shoulder playfully, but damn, her 'playfully' is different than any other's.

She does compete in the MMA championship, after all.

"Ok, I look good. But this is the last time I'm wearing a dress on some occasions. And parties do not count!" I told her

Fuck. I was so uncomfortable in dresses. I felt like I was going to some big fancy wedding or something. Don't get me wrong, it's just I wear dresses very rarely and I'm so used to jeans and tee-shirts and sportswear, that dresses seem extremely formal to me.

"I'll go change, then," I muttered

"Wait, don't you want to try other dresses?" She asked

I just glared her before disappearing to the changing room. Like hell, I am going to try more dresses. I already tried on three and this was the fourth one, I liked it, a little, and that's final.

No more changing.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a tee. I hung the dress on a hanger and gave it to Iris to put it wherever she puts the dresses safely.

"I don't even want to know how Archer deals with you," she said getting in the passenger seat of my car. We did the dress fitting in a small studio she rented for getting ready for graduation.

I didn't reply as I drove back to Raiden's. His house was like a safe place until I was ready to face my parents. Rick and his girlfriend were staying with my family, so I knew they were well cared and I can sulk all I want.

That bastard, my stupid ass of cousin knew all of it but he didn't once tell me about it. I was mad at him too. What did I do to deserve that treatment from all of my family? Was I too much that they couldn't be themselves with me?

It's been a week since my uncle, aunt and mom's treatment moved from the hospital to our house. A week since I last talked to them, but I did see them just to assure myself that they were okay.

I was mad at them, yes, but I wanted them in my life.

I parked my car beside Harvey's Quattroporte and got out following Iris in the house. Harvey was sitting shirtless on the couch with his MacBook on his lap and a big bowl of grapes and cherries on his side.

"Did you girls got the dress?" He asked as a greeting without looking up from the screen of his laptop.

"Yup," Iris answers for both of us popping the 'p'. She snuggles to his side after pecking his lips.

I get upstairs to Raiden's room and change into one of his shirts. And lay down on the bed to sleep considering I didn't get much sleep last night.


"Rear jab! Hook! Front! Punch!" Raiden was shouting me to follow him with different types of punches.

We're currently in his basement and he's teaching me boxing. He's been teaching me swimming and boxing both since the past week and a half I spent with him.

"Damn it, Arianna! You're going to breach your fucking wrist if you keep it loose!" He yelled at me.

"Sorry," I muttered knowing it's my fault and it's the fifth time he's warned me. Of course, he's going to get angry.

"Come on, let's wrap it up. It's been enough for a day," he said throwing the pads on the ground and came to me to help me unwrap the tapes from my hand.

As soon as he grabs my hand, his heavenly smell surrounds me. Sweat glistening on his bare chest and face. His black hair wet from it as if he's taken a shower.

"Come here," he murmured pulling me to him and pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Let's go get some food," I said wrapping one arm around his waist and pull him upstairs to the living room.

Neither Harvey nor Iris were to be seen in the living room. Guess they have already retreated to their room. And there was no food in the kitchen.

How rude!

The next time he'll want me to cook and he's damn hungry and have no energy to cook, I'll just go up and sleep. Fuck you, Harvey.

"Let's get showered first and then we'll figure something out to cook," Raiden said

"I swear I'll let him starve to death next time, that bastard!" I sneered

"Calm down, Tiger, I'll make something quick. Come on, let's go shower first," he said pulling me upstairs to his room to the bathroom.

I stripped out of my clothes and followed him in the shower. I thought he was going to try something in the shower but it turns out his head was somewhere else.

If he wants to tell me, he will. If not, then I'll just have to wait till he wants to. I'll just give him his space.

Turns out, that night we went to sleep without eating anything if you don't count a big bowl of red fruits.

With each passing day, he was becoming more distant. He was very touchy lately like he couldn't get his hands off me. But his head was elsewhere. It was like, his body was here but he wasn't really here. His head miles away.

Graduation came, and we all got graduated. No big deal, right? We knew we all will graduate, we just had to go there for the diploma.

With Raiden and my family, graduation was the least of my worries. I just knew I had to put that navy blue dress on and walk to the stage to collect my diploma in front of hundreds of people and then come back to my seat.

Nothing interesting.

I started talking to my family. I had to, I couldn't stay mad at them forever. I love them at the end of the day, and after the accident, it made me realize their importance in my life.

And I knew I could live with them treating like shit, but I couldn't if they didn't exist. I've been joining them for dinner for the last few days.

We haven't acknowledged the fact that they lied to me my whole life. We all have been ignoring it as long as we can. But I know we have to talk about it.

And we will talk about it.



Hola, mis Amores!

Don't be mad for not doing a graduation scene. Knowing Arianna and the company, high school graduation meant little for them. And believe it or not, in real life there are many people who don't care about graduation. High school graduation, of course. It's kind of hard to find someone to whom it meant a little graduating from university.

By the way, don't forget to vote and comment on your thoughts, mi gente!

Love you, Amores!


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