34 | Promises and Home

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"Graduation is in two weeks, AJ, do you have your dress?" My mother asked at the dinner table.

I shook my head as a no.

"Hurry and find a dress. Don't leave such things at the last minute. I'll call my designer if you have a specific thing in your mind," she said

"No need, Iris is taking care of the dresses of all of us four. I explained to her how I want the dress, and in two days she will have them and I can go to select and dress fitting," I explained

"You sure you don't want a designer?" My mother asked

"Iris is a designer, mother, doesn't have a degree but that girl is talented. See it yourself when I show you my dress," I defended

"Alright," she said and continued eating her dinner.

I helped her and my aunt with the dishes and cleaning up and got upstairs, but not before telling them goodnight.

I did a little school work and read a couple of pages of the book I was currently reading, it's To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee.

Just as I was about to put a bookmark and call it a night, my phone rang and the caller I'd read Raiden.

I was ready to sleep, so I answered the phone as I snuggled in my blankets.

"Arianna," he greeted


"I miss you," he murmured

"I miss you too, Raiden," I whispered

"Come over, then, I want to see you," he said

"You saw me a few hours ago, Raiden," I pointed out

"So? I miss you. I don't know how I will live during college," he said with sadness laced in his voice.

"Raiden, we'll be just a few hours away. We can drive to each other at any time. Besides, we can call and video call," I said

"I know, but it's just I like to hold you near," he whispered.

I heard some shuffling in the background and later a sound of something rumbling, probably a motor or an engine.

"What are you doing, Raiden?" I asked almost afraid he'll drive here.

"I'm driving to your house," he stated

"No, go back, Raiden, and I'm hanging up. No talking and driving," I scolded him before hanging up, hoping he would take a u-turn.

But I knew him better than that, he would just drive here and in a few, he will be knocking my window or worse, he would knock my main door.

After a while, he knocked on my window and I hurried to get him in not wanting to let him out there hanging for more time.

As soon as I closed the window he came in from and the blinds, he pulls me to him with urgency and buried his face in my neck, pampering the skin there with his lips.

"Promise me, no matter what, we will call each other every night before we go to sleep and when we wake up. Promise me, Arianna," he pleaded, looking in my eyes.

"I promise, Raiden. You know my day starts with you and ends with you," I said cupping his neck placing my thumbs on his jaw.

"Promise me, Arianna, that you won't leave me once you realize there are better guys out there than me," his voice held urgency and insecurity.

"Come here," I pulled him toward my bed and we snuggled in. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my chest.

My hands involuntarily run through his hair, to calm him.

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