43 | It's time

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"Guys, I think it's time for me to go back to my house," I spoke up that same night at the dinner table.

Three pairs of eyes were looking at me closely as if asking if I really want to do that. I met their eyes one by one for assurance. Yes, I am ready to face them.

"I'm coming with you," Raiden stated

"No," I countered

"Arianna, don't argue, I'm coming with you and that's final," he said with a tone of finality in his voice and resumed his meal.

"Arianna, you are my friend and I do consider you a sister. And I do care for you, very much. I don't know what exactly happened that day in the hospital, but I do trust you to make the right decision. It's your family, after all, you can't stay mad at them forever. Just keep in mind that whatever it is, we have your back," Harvey said

And those words melted my heart. Harvey always took care of me. And I knew he cares for me as much as I cared for him, if not more. He's like my big brother, like Rick, even a better one if I'm being honest.

And Rick does a damn good job at being a big brother, and that's saying something about Harvey.

"That means a lot, Harvey," I said

Iris said nothing, just observed me. We all finished our dinner in silence and cleaned the table and dishes before retreating to our rooms.

Raiden opened his laptop and worked for a while, it was ten-thirty and I knew he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I walked up to him and shut his laptop and placed it on the table nearby.

"What the hell, Arianna?" He scowled at me and leaned to reach for his laptop.

I stepped in front him stopping from taking the laptop, "Work tomorrow,"

"I need to finish this last set of engines. Go to bed, I'll be there soon," he said defeated.

Instead of going to the bed, I sat on his lap and wrapped myself around him like a cocoon, "You will work tomorrow. It's late and you need to rest,"

He didn't say anything, instead, he walked to the bed with me and laid down with me on the top of him.

"Don't think, just sleep," I whispered in his chest knowing he was waiting for me to sleep so he can go back working.

The next morning, after we got showered and freshen up, I and Raiden piled into his car and drove to my house.

I saw my uncle and aunt having breakfast on the porch as Raiden parked the car in the driveway.

"What a surprise, AJ, come on, sit with us," My aunt chirped with a warm smile on her face, "Hello, Archer, I hope you've been taking good care of my girl,"

"Of course, Hema," he smiled

"Morning, aunt, uncle," I greeted as I sat beside Raiden on the couch, "How have you guys been?"

"Recovering," my uncle said

That word made me feel guilty. They were in an accident and when they needed me the most, I left. I was only thinking about myself. I didn't once think that they needed me. Not once.

How can I be such selfish?

"I'm sorry, I wasn't here for you guys, when you needed me the most," I slowly said looking at the floor, not daring to look up and meet their eyes.

"AJ, it's okay. We understand. And if it was our fault, after all, we shouldn't have- we shouldn't have raised you the way we did," he said

When I didn't look up, I felt an arm around me. I looked up to see it was my uncle, "we're sorry, honey," I just wrapped my arms around his torso tightly and rested my cheek on his hard toned chest.

Fighting for Life | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora